The company Iraya Productions presents the drama QUEEN JUANA starring Concha Velasco and directed by Gerardo Vera, on Saturday November 5 at 21.00 pm in the Teatro Villa de Molina (in Chorrico Avenue, No. 10).
The ticket price is 20 euros.
Only actress on stage, Concha Velasco becomes Juana de Castilla (better known as Juana la Loca), one of the most moving characters in our story, to tell us their experiences and, of course, accountable to the people who were in his life, before dying alone and away from what he loved most: their children.
Juana de Castilla was turned into a shadow, first by her husband, Philip the Handsome;
after his father, Ferdinand, who shuts in Tordesillas;
and finally by his son Charles V, who ignores her.
Juana de Castilla.
A character that, having met Shakespeare, would certainly be the protagonist of one of its greatest tragedies.
The tragedy of a woman, the daughter of the Catholic Monarchs, seen from very young vertiginously dragged by all the turmoil, political and religious intrigues of his time.
A woman, a queen emotionally shattered by its great contradictions, for their rebellion, for his strong personality and a huge emotional imbalance which crystallizes in the A Walk with Love and Death is his marriage to Philip of Habsburg.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura