Molina de Segura shown their willingness to participate in a pilot project on bullying in primary and secondary
Coexistence in schools and the concern about cases of bullying and "cyberbullying" were the issues that have focused the meeting held today Thursday, October 28, by the Councillor for Education of the City of Molina de Segura, Fuensanta Martinez Jimenez, and the Director General of Educational Innovation and Attention to Diversity, Ana Jimenez Millan.
At this meeting, which took place at the headquarters of the Ministry of Education in the city of Murcia, the regional manager has communicated to the molinense mayor the intention of the Ministry to launch a pilot project in collaboration with the University of Murcia, to work on bullying in levels of primary and secondary education.
Fuensanta Martinez has expressed the willingness of the municipality to be part of this pilot project and has moved to the Director General the concern that exists between the educational community about this issue.
The molinense councilor also took the opportunity to reiterate the commitment of Municipal Government Team on improving educational quality in schools.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura