67% of participants in the intervention group of the Fifty-Fitfy program, which has participated Molina de Segura, improved in any of the five factors studied cardiovascular risk, and nearly half reduced the consumption of snuff, as has been today as evidenced by the presentation of the results of this study to improve the overall health among adults aged 25 to 50, held in the Hall of City Hall molinense.
The Fifty-Fifty Program is a program designed and led by Dr. Valentin Fuster, and commissioned by the Science Foundation, Health and Education (SHE) and the Spanish Agency for Consumer Affairs, Food Security and Nutrition (AECOSAN) with seven municipalities, including Molina de Segura.
The presentation of the results of the program has benefited from the presence of the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero Look, the Head of Service.
NAOS strategy (AECOSAN), Carmen Villalba Villar, and the Program Coordinator in Molina de Segura, Lazaro Sanchez Canovas.
The Fifty-Fifty program aims to train the adult population aged between 25 and 50 years in the acquisition of healthy lifestyles and the "self control" of the main cardiovascular risk factors that may be controlled;
obesity, smoking, physical inactivity and hypertension, through specific training and a dynamic group of "peer support".
Peer support is based on mutual support of people who have similar health conditions.
Share common experiences and similar challenges, as required from the direction of this program is a great way to get change the habits of adults and acquire more healthy routines.
The aim of the scientific study of the Fifty-Fifty Programme, which involved 543 people, 93 of them in Molina de Segura, has been to reduce these risk factors and also establish a "model of good practice" that can be implemented again in other municipalities.
All participants, who had at least one of the risk factors, received six training workshops aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles: motivation to change, stress management, smoking cessation, healthy eating, regular physical activity and control blood pressure.
After evaluating the results of scientific study it has shown that the Fifty-Fifty Program is able to reduce risk factors and improve cardiovascular health of participants as is evidenced by the fact that 67% of participants in the intervention group improved in one of the five cardiovascular risk factors studied, and nearly half reduced the consumption of snuff.
In the presentation of results of the program has made clear that this intervention improves healthy behaviors of the participants and change related to cardiovascular health habits, it is considered essential to continue prevention programs and healthy promotion that as the Fifty-Fifty program is a valuable help to raise awareness and help make healthy choices.
The program was coordinated, funded and managed by the Spanish Agency for Consumer Affairs, Food Security and Nutrition (AECOSAN) and the Science, Health and Education Foundation (SHE), in the framework of the NAOS Strategy and the Observatory of Nutrition and Research Obesity chaired by Dr. Valentin Fuster.
He also received the advice of the National Center for Cardiovascular Research.
He also contributed the Spanish Federation of Munitions and Provinces (FEMP).
For the implementation of the scientific study of the Fifty-Fifty program in the different municipalities involved, as was the case of Molina de Segura, was essential collaboration and commitment of local institutions that managed and supported both personal resources and organizational and logistical.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura