Research Chair of the Hospital de Molina and the Department of Sports and Public Health of the City of Molina de Segura, in the context of World Osteoporosis Day, organized an exciting program of activities that includes a round table, a workshop feed and performing appropriate physical activity.
The program, with the slogan "Let osteoporosis do not break the life", was presented Monday at a news conference by the Mayor of the town, Esther Clavero Look, the Managing Director of the Hospital de Molina, Pedro Hernandez Jimenez and Honorary Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, UCAM, Andrés Martínez-Almagro Andreo.
World Osteoporosis Day is celebrated every year on 20 October with the aim of raising awareness about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of this disease that affects the bones.
Osteoporosis causes more than 8.9 million fractures per year, which represents a fracture every three seconds in the world.
The activities planned start on Wednesday 19 October with a series of three conferences to be held from 11.30 to 13.30 hours in the auditorium of the Social Centre "Las Balsas" (Square of Griffins s / n).
This cycle will as speakers with Dr. Andrés Martínez-Almagro Andreo, Honorary Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences UCAM;
Dr. Pablo Marcos Jorge Pardo, exercise specialist with more and Director of the Research Group on Health, Physical Activity, Fitness and Motor Behavior UCAM;
and Ana Quiles Rosillo, Nutritionist of the Department of Sports and Public Health of the City of Molina de Segura.
This cycle will be leveraged for data collection to prepare, for free, a calendar with bone densitometry screening among at-risk population.
On Thursday October 20 will take place at 10.00 pm in the Plenary Hall of the City of Molina de Segura a "Workshop healthy eating" by Rebeca Pastor Valero, Nutritionist Hospital de Molina.
Subsequently, and to close the program, at 11.30 am in the Plaza of Spain, it is planning a "Physical Activity for prevention of osteoporosis" by Yolanda Lopez Alacid, Sports Technician Department of Sports and Public Health.
Mayor, Esther Clavero Look, said that such actions are the way "to provide the population with proposals aimed at prevention, information on healthy habits and, ultimately, to develop measures to improve our health."
Clavero added that "from the newly created Department of Sport and Health are making a major effort to proposed activities benefit of the people" and expressed his satisfaction because this time "we talk of osteoporosis, contributing to adopt a healthy life. "
Osteoporosis is a chronic disease of bone metabolism characterized by decreased bone mass and deterioration of bone architecture, leading to bone fragility with a consequent increase in fracture risk.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura