The Ministry of Water, Agriculture and Environment, through the Integrated Training Center and Agricultural Experiences (CIFE) of Molina de Segura, held from 17 to 27 October, a free basic level course on modeling and bonsai cultivation.
This is one of the courses most valued by students and fans of the world of crafts and landscape.
It is aimed at those interested in expanding their theoretical and practical knowledge about this ancient art as well as students and professionals who want to broaden their knowledge of creative gardening, landscaping or arboriculture,
The course will be taught in the classroom Bonsái of Murcia, located in the mentioned CIFEA a newly created space, unique of its kind nationwide, which was inaugurated in 2015.
The course syllabus covers aspects such as the historical background, modeling techniques, design and pruning, wiring and transplantation, cultivation techniques, nutrition, vegetative reproduction and plant pathology, among others.
Source: CARM