"The community of irrigators still can run twelve years after the first works, which already contained deficiencies were initiated , " said National Deputy José Luis Martínez
Citizens presented at the Congress of Deputies a written question requesting the Government for information on the status of the improvement project, modernization and consolidation of Heredamiento Regante of Molina de Segura.
Specifically, deputies Jose Luis Martinez and Miguel Garaulet are interested in the situation currently faced by the project completion of works, to be budgeted in the General State Budget for this 2016. In addition, Citizens deputies question the government the estimated Acuamed the state company plans to complete the proceedings, which began twelve years ago date.
"The first works, which took off in 2004 with Seiasa, contained deficiencies, and three years later another project with Acuamed was drafted in order to solve these problems," said Miguel Garaulet: "Both projects were disjointed, even though both companies under the Ministry of Agriculture, which meant that eight years after the start of construction and the first deficiencies are detected, another budget item 400,000 euros will be equipped in the State budget 2016 that the works are completed and can be functional.
But today, the works are still running and the problem unresolved, "said the deputy.
"The community of irrigators sique unable to work twelve years after work started, facilities half-built continue to deteriorate and the farms do not have the water flows needed to irrigate their crops and generate wealth for the people, a situation that directly affects more than 4,300 families, "added Garaulet.
Source: Ciudadanos Región de Murcia