The presentation of the novel Tell me things I do not mind forget, the writer Pablo de Aguilar, will take place on Friday, October 7, at 20.00 pm in the Library Salvador García Aguilar (in Chorrico Avenue, No. 44 ).
Involved, together with the author, the writer Fulgencio Garcia Susano, and the editor of El Serbal, Nohelia Riano.
A group of unemployed meets every day in the park opposite the unemployment office in which they have known.
One always invited to snuff, but does not appear one morning and discover that has been killed.
Susano is suspicious of his death had eaten the day before with him.
However, that's not his only problem: it is about to be evicted, is in love with the niece of his ex-wife and accommodates a pair of lovers policemen at home.
Other unemployed in the park also have their own problems, composing a set of stories that Susano is telling his friend, ill with terminal cancer.
Those stories will not mind forget when I die.
Pablo Aguilar González was born in Albacete in 1963 and lives in Molina de Segura (Murcia) since 2000. He is an analyst-programmer software, combining work with writing.
Has published novels Pelicans see the north (winner of the Third Prize Read Volkswagen, 2010), Intersections (finalist for the second award Read, 2009), and What's to come (Ed. The Serbal, 2015) and several short stories for which he has also received several awards.
It is also a member of the Order of Molina de Segura meteorite.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura