The regular plenary session of the City of Molina de Segura, held on Monday 26 September, approved a motion of Councillor for Education Fuensanta Martinez Jimenez, which requested the Government of Spain the withdrawal of the Royal Decree regulating the implementation revalidation process.
"Despite not having the support of teachers, families and other political parties, the government alone has continued with efforts to carry out this controversial education law, which among other things has launched the revalidation for 4th of ESO and 2nd High School, Royal Decree 310/2016 approving the of 29 July, the final evaluations of Secondary Education and Baccalaureate are regulated, "says Fuensanta Martinez.
Councilwoman recalled that "in Molina de Segura 900 students will undergo this process, 400 secondary and 500 in Bachiller. Young people who do not pass this test in high school can not access a Middle Grade and will have to see limited their Basic Training options. This is an unfair, unnecessary, arbitrary measure and that, far from improving the education system, only makes it worse. "
"A law that does not put brake to restore the balance between the public network and the concerted and whose effects have been aggravated by the policy of cuts that have significantly reduced economic resources in schools and the number of teachers in our country also damaging their working conditions, and significantly limiting all types of grants and scholarships. "
The motion passed, in addition to the repeal of Royal Decree 310/2016 of 29 July, the final evaluations of Secondary Education and Baccalaureate are regulated, and avoid double degree at the end of 4th of ESO asks: recover curricular diversification (prolongation of PMAR) in 4th of ESO, with the possibility of qualification;
titling enable those who follow the basic vocational training programs;
remove the model appointment of directors who set the LOMCE and restore the powers of school boards;
suspend with immediate effect the confessional subject of religion can be evaluated and your score can have any kind of academic impact;
ensure that further cuts in public education will not occur, and ensure the recovery of material and human resources allocated to it;
return ratios, hours and working conditions for all prior to Royal Decree-Law 14/2012, of 20 April, on urgent measures to rationalize public spending in education teachers;
convene immediately to the Education Conference to agree on the implementation of all these measures and define all the urgency in the implementation and development of the LOMCE;
and urgently convene the Education Conference to agree with the regional governments these average of urgency.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura