The Councillor for Education of the City of Molina de Segura, Fuensanta Martinez Jimenez, held a meeting with the Director General of Quality Education and Vocational Training of the Region of Murcia, Fernando Mateo Asensio, on Monday 12 September to discuss the offer Vocational Training in the municipality.
"In particular, it has exposed him the necessity and urgency of education and training response to young people who, for various personal circumstances, school, family and social, have serious difficulty completing Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) and continue in the education system "explains Councillor for Education.
At the meeting they discussed various issues:
The need to expand the supply of basic vocational training cycles.
Molina de Segura no Professional Training Programs are held, so that the supply of the two modes, adapted and Special is necessary.
As for the offer of training cycles and Higher, Fuensanta Martinez moved the Director General "the desirability of reviewing the offer and, if necessary, diversify and improve it."
In addition, he recalled "the need to continue efforts to have an Integrated Training in our town center. In this regard, the City of Molina de Segura and made available to the Ministry of land Education to build this center and is ready to advance this project certainly important for vocational training in our town. "
Finally, the Councillor said that "we hope that the welcome and availability we could expand the training offer, offering suited to the needs of young response, avoiding early school leavers, expanding the educational horizons and skills of the labor market" .
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura