The Councillor for Education of the City of Molina de Segura, Fuensanta Martinez Jimenez, taking advantage of the presence of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Education of the Region of Murcia, Manuel Marcos Sánchez Cervantes, at the beginning of the school year in CEIP El Romeral de Molina de Segura, Wednesday September 7, called for urgent investments that have pending perform the Ministry of Education in some schools in the municipality.
The two most urgent investments, according to the Councillor for Education, are as follows:
CEIP El Romeral dressing rooms: they are closed down by major damage to the structure, and needs urgent repair, if not opt ​​for demolition.
Children's canopy cover CEIP La Purisima of El Llano de Molina also has serious flaws and numerous leaks occur rain, making it impossible to classes in those days.
It is a cover that is giving problems since its construction.
a motion was passed in the Municipal Council at the time, to urge the Ministry of Education to have attacked such works.
In addition, parents CEIP Ntra. Ms. Remedios demonstrated to the school entrance and delayed the entry class for 20 minutes, protest action continues on 8 and 9 September, for 3-4 years revindicarla mixed supresióndelaula since "the Ministry of Education has not responded to the various claims that have been submitted, and even an agreement of the Municipal Council dated July 25," says Fuensanta Martinez.
Previous phone call from the Department to all public and private schools of the municipality, Councillor of Education has informed that incorporating the following teachers in schools remains:
-CEIP Cervantes.
-CEIP Ntra. Ms. Fatima.
-CEIP San Miguel.
-CEIP Tierno Galvan.
-CEIP Maestro Francisco Martinez Bernal.
-CEIP Vega del Segura.
This year, as new, it has expanded the line of transport for students from districts and housing estates alCEIP The Siphon.
"This school has had to adapt its facilities to serve dining. Estasobras are terminadaspero sending the furniture is pending by the Ministry. This provision is also urgent, because we can not implement this service, and we have students of districts and housing estates that are transported and is essential to give this service, "says Fuensanta Martinez, who has also reported that" in the rest of the centers, normalcy has been the note to note. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura