The City of Molina de Segura, for the first time, as a sign of identity and permanently, includes municipal social clauses in public procurement, a move that also responds to an agreement Plenum of the Municipal Corporation.
The initiative was presented at a news conference Friday September 2, by the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero Look, and Councilman Labor Market Policies for Andres Martinez Cervantes.
One of the responses of the City Council to address the plight of unemployment is creating a bag labor insertion for unemployed long-term unemployed youth, people at risk of social exclusion, people with disabilities, women victims of any kind gender violence, ensuring the constitutional rights of way.
The main objective of this exchange is to provide opportunities to people for whom job search and job placement major difficulties, both for its prolonged unemployment and its, family, personal or other socioeconomic status.
In order to promote integration into the labor market for these groups of people, the successful tenderers in municipal contracting processes must provide certain jobs going to this bag Insertion Sociolaboral.
The City of Molina de Segura is thus committed to social and labor situation, incorporating clauses of a social nature to the municipal government procurement.
The first municipal public social contract that includes these criteria relates to the control of access to municipal buildings.
In this case, two conditions are set: be over 45 years old and unemployed long-term (at least one year be registered as a jobseeker)
Who can benefit from this bag?
They may be beneficiaries of the Bolsa those unemployed, registered in Molina de Segura at least 2 years and who are unemployed and who are registered as jobseekers.
How can you apply for registration on the Exchange insertion?
Those interested in participating in this Exchange of labor and social inclusion will apply from the day after the approval of the Bases by the Governing Board (scheduled on 6 September): from September 7 until 1400 hours on 21 September 2016, going to the Department of Policies for Job Placement and / or the General Register of the City of Molina de Segura and submitting the application and required documentation.
How the Exchange work?
People admitted to the Stock Exchange may be contracted by the municipal companies awarded contracts for certain jobs covered by the terms and technical requirements, subject to the conditions and requirements set forth therein.
The contract will be for a maximum of 6 months, which may be one or more contracts, but for a maximum total period may not exceed 6 months under this Exchange.
They may be beneficiaries of contracts simultaneously several persons per household under this Exchange.
The bag will last for two years, renewable for periods of one year while the socioeconomic status of this group persists with the current severity.
The Stock Exchange repeated and updated annually or when they had exhausted itself, with the opening of new enrollment periods
How the selection of persons admitted is done and what criteria barema?
A Technical Committee Baremación (Service Headquarters for Labor Market Policy, Social Welfare, Recruitment and legal counsel) shall assess the applications taking into account the personal, family and socioeconomic status of applicants and the graduation of such situations.
Specifically, the scale shall be given:
The time registered as long-term unemployed.
The elapsed without receiving benefits or subsidies.
The degree of disability.
Possible charges without receiving benefits or subsidies existing family and children with disabilities.
The situations of women victims of gender violence.
Other situations other than applicants:
For access or basic insertion income.
By perception or not of municipal economic aid.
Exhaustion of municipal social benefits.
By overcoming addiction or insertion phases entitling to perform a job.
By or at risk of social exclusion.
And within the latter, by high job placement itineraries in the SEF or entities with similar integration programs.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura