The draft of the new Ordinance Tenure and Animal Welfare in Molina de Segura, currently undergoing public exhibition lacks any revenue-raising intent and has been prepared always aiming at the highest level of protection and welfare of pets as it has stated today the Mayor of the town, Esther Clavero Mira.
The municipal councilor explained that the document, whose writing has had a great social participation, seeks to update the municipal regulations, dating from 1998, and follows a guidelines of Law 4/2009 Environmental Protection of the Region of Murcia provides up to four dogs possession of activity license is not required.
Following this principle the draft of the ordinance states that in the same household can have up to four dogs, four cats and up to twenty birds of recreation and leisure.
Clavero has indicated that the text does not prohibit it may have a higher number of pets, which does make the draft ordinance is clear that in order to have a higher number in a private home would need to request an administrative authorization at City Hall , considering the suitability of facilities and the absence of nuisance to neighbors.
The idea is to avoid the existence of clandestine hatcheries and ensure at all times the welfare of animals and people.
The document, according to the Mayor, has a "vanguard, consensual and participatory" character that seeks to promote respect and protection of companion animals as evidenced by the bet made by the opening of a Municipal Office for Animal Protection and creating a Patrol Animal Welfare.
Clavero also recalled that Molina de Segura has long been one of the few municipalities that has "Sacrifice Zero".
The Mayor has stated that minor penalties (those involving a fine of 150-300 euros) can even be replaced by briefings, participation in civic activities and other community work.
This possibility has added the first molinense mayor, it shows that the legislation lacks tax collection effort.
The draft ordinance is available on the municipal website ( until September 9, so that all citizens can express their opinions and make suggestions, which can be sent to email @ molinadesegura Public Health. is.
The document has had in its wording with representatives of animal protection associations of the municipality (APAMS and PUMI), representatives of the Federation of Associations and Animal Protection of the Region of Murcia (FDARMUR), citizens representing Boards Zone Molina de Segura, representatives of veterinary clinics, College of Veterinarians of Murcia, representatives of political groups, representatives of the municipal Council of Health, worker Sercomosa Animal Health Center municipal, and municipal officials and technicians of Public Health and local police.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura