The Socialist Party and the National Association of Photovoltaic Energy Producers has promoted a visit to a garden that has a direct solar irrigation system, a pioneer in the region facility, owned by renowned molinense Gomariz farmer Pedro Rodriguez.
The installation is exemplary visited by combining two of the most promising sectors and on which to swing the production model change, such as agriculture and renewable energy.
The candidate for deputy Pedro Saura and Rafael González Tovar declared that "we are facing a change in the economic model. A new time in which we must prioritize what they believe and most of all we have and in quantity in our region as are the resources for renewable energy. "
Clavero, Saura González Tovar and agreed that noted that Murcia has a natural potential in the development of renewable energies and Molina is example.
The General Secretary of the molinenses Socialist and mayor of the city has indicated that "the industry of renewable energies should be at the center of all economic policy. Not only at national and regional level but also locally. And from the municipalities must contribute our grain of sand to achieve the boost they need after years of insecurity. this is why in these first months in office we are already doing. Driving with entrepreneurs, associations and technicians a new plan to halt the process deindustrialization that has occurred in our city, with the flight of businesses and loss of jobs that entails ".
Clavero has continued to inform the next lines of work molinense Consistory: "We have made it a priority to develop a strategy for Molina recover the site it deserves in the regional economy as a competitive city and job quality This must seize the many. potential that our city offers, such as:. a strategic position and consolidation of major companies in various sectors with direct sun This garden irrigation is another great example of use of our resources.
The City of Molina de Segura is taking steps to help reduce energy costs for our companies.
The Socialists remember that before the failed model of the PP and that puts the interests of the big power companies, we offer the PACT power status, to help achieve an ambitious target for electricity generation from renewable and eliminate the senseless barriers that the PP has been putting their own consumption.
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura