The Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero Look, participated, on Wednesday 15 May, in the Science Park of Murcia, in the round table on success stories in local politics, with the presentation of the Safe School Road project and Healthy Molina de Segura, in the Jornada sustainable energy in local politics, organized by the Institute of Development in the Region of Murcia (INFO) within the framework of the European energy Week and the Covenant of Mayors Region of Murcia Climate and Energy.
From the Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020 of the Directorate General of Traffic (DGT), the City of Molina de Segura decided in 2014 to implement the so-called Safe School Roads, following the methodology and the indicative guidelines DGT.
The project is promoted by the Department of Education, Public Road, Safety and Mobility, and in the same educational community centers, municipal, neighborhood associations, traders and experts involved.
The objective of the Safe School Road project is to facilitate the students (and those accompanying him) can move to schools walking, individually and in groups, independently, healthy and safe, contributing to a more sustainable mobility in the city.
The configuration and features of the integrated itineraries in Safe Way to School are to:
Practicable form a network of itineraries or adapted to ensure displacement walking safe.
It is expected to act on a number equal to or greater than 30 points thoroughfares or public space.
Reduce the number of private vehicles that transport students to school.
Promote the increase of people who are walking to the center and
Promote autonomy.
It has also been and will be required at different stages of implementation:
Evaluate safe school routes displacement.
Make changes in infrastructure, which will involve some 30 performances on public roads (construction of sidewalks, crosswalks improved training of guards or crosswalks).
Promote the increase of students who will walk or bike to school.
Educate the students, families and drivers in safe mobility.
During 2014/2015 the project was launched in the CEIP Ntra. Ms. Fatima.
interviews with school management team remained, surveys were conducted to families and drivers in the area on Movement and mobility in the school environment and improvements in signaling promoted it.
All this brought together the information needed to raise subsequent work in other centers, which took place during the 2015-2016 course.
Previous work has been extended to five centers, selected according to different characteristics (ownership, location, territory): three public schools (CEIP Sacred Heart, CEIP La Purisima, in the hamlet of El Llano, and CEIP Our Lady of Fatima.. ) and two private centers (Sagrada Familia and Vistarreal in urbanization Altorreal).
Suman 1,813 students, representing 21.2% of the school population and Primary Education.
In addition, it has created a Technical Committee to coordinate the implementation of the project.
In short, "the initiative of the City of Molina de Segura to implement the School Roads Insurance has developed from a scheme of social commitment, consisting of a broad social and levels of government consensus on a methodology collaborative and participatory, with an educational and sustainable development objective, "says the Mayor.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura