The Committee met on Tuesday 14 June, and was attended by the First Deputy Mayor and Councillor Transparency Miñana Fernando Hurtado, who explained the situation of the municipality, which has drafted an ordinance Transparency
The Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Transparency of the City of Molina de Segura, Fernando Miñana Hurtado, attended, on Tuesday June 14 at the constituent meeting of the Committee on Transparency, Open Government and Citizen Participation of the Federation of Municipalities of the Murcia, held at the headquarters of the FMRM, and chaired by the Mayor of Alhama de Murcia.
In this first meeting the situation and assessment of the Transparency Law of the Region of Murcia and the role of municipalities was revised.
It was the intervention of Jose Molina Molina, Chairman of Transparency Murcia.
Fernando Miñana described the situation of the municipality of Molina de Segura in terms of transparency.
He said that an ordinance has been drafted Transparency, Access to Public Information and Reuse, which expected to be approved at the regular meeting of the plenary molinense this month.
For writing, a working group consisting of members of the various political groups within the corporation and municipal experts and representatives of neighborhood associations was established.
It has also advanced that "the City Council is preparing a change to the existing web portal of transparency, the contents of which are being published on the website of the transparency of the State, adapted for local authorities, and is expected to its opening match final approval of the new Ordinance. "
It has also recalled that "the City Council and publishes data in open formats, in the open data portal that the autonomous region has recently opened".
As for citizen participation, Miñana has exposed attendees "a successful conclusion on 20 May election to vote on the proposals of participatory budgets 2016, a process which involved 2,815 voters, representing a participation rate of 5.67%. "
Voters could vote among 356 proposals from 25 previously held meetings in neighborhoods, districts and residential areas, up to 10 proposals per person.
The Municipal Council ordered the amount of 2 million euros for participatory budgets in 2016.
The Commission will meet regularly to move forward and cooperate on issues of transparency, open government and citizen participation among the 45 municipalities in the region.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura