The Local Government of the City of Molina de Segura has approved in its meeting on Tuesday 31 May, a collaboration agreement with the Association for those affected by Parkinson's disease and other neurological disorders Molina de Segura (APAMOL) as it reported by the Councillor for Social Welfare and government team spokesman, Angel Navarro Garcia.
"The aim of this agreement is to give the municipality a resource for health partner that meets the needs of those affected by Parkinson's disease and other neurological disorders, improving their quality of life and trying to slow down your overall deterioration assistance," Angel explains Navarro .
The agreement includes a municipal public contribution of 5,000 euros, and includes the following services:
Physiotherapy / Gerontogimnasia.
cognitive stimulation.
Psychological care / occupational therapy.
complementary therapies.
Speech therapy.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura