The awards ceremony of the XXV Secondary School Literary Contest 2016, organized by the Youth Council of the City of Molina de Segura, took place on Wednesday 11 May, in the Hall of City Hall.
They attended by the First Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Youth, Miñana Fernando Hurtado, and the Second Deputy Mayor, Angel Navarro Garcia.
During the recognition ceremony it was also held to Ramón Cantero and Miguel Angel Gonzalez, retired literature teachers for the years of collaboration with the competition, and on behalf of all members of the jury who have participated during these 25 years.
This year writers have collaborated La Molineta Literary Association.
In the competition involved students who are studying Secondary Education (ESO), Bachillerato, Vocational Training, or Professional Initiation in different centers of the municipality.
In both modes, micropoetry and Microrrelato, the winners were as follows:
short story
First Level (Students of 1st / 2nd ESO)
1st Prize: Great Battles of Sofía Abellán Pérez, IES Francisco de Goya
2nd Prize: the race of his life, Eva Maria Semitiel Gomariz, IES Francisco de Goya
3rd Prize: The building, Triana Frutos Blanco, Francisco de Goya IES
Second Level (Students of 3rd and 4th ESO and Skills)
1st Prize: Nana powder, Adrian Garcia Castellon, IES Francisco de Goya
2nd Prize: Doll, Ana Maria Vidal Alcaraz, IES Cañada de las Eras
3rd Prize: Travel, Javier Pomares Cumbreño, Education Center Los Olivos
Third Level (Students of university and training)
1st Prize: Mutis, Ogáyar Nicholas Dew, IES Francisco de Goya
2nd Prize: Blessed territory Easter del Carmen Vicente Rodriguez of IES Vega del Tader
3rd Prize: An unexpected turn of José Miguel Alcaraz Olmos, IES Eduardo Linares Lumeras
special mention for its literary quality in Microrrelatos: Pablo Martinez Jimenez, IES Cañada de las Eras
First Level (Students of 1st / 2nd ESO)
1st Prize: Turquesas, Maria Abad Ramon, San Pablo CEU College
2nd Prize: Hopefully, Carmen Lopez Lopez, the Colegio Sagrada Familia
3rd Prize: The blink of life, Irene Vicente Martinez, the French School
Second Level (Students of 3rd and 4th ESO and Skills)
1st Prize: Sad Verses, Ines Abad Ramon, San Pablo CEU College
2nd Prize: Tears of Butaina Moussa Miri, IES Francisco de Goya
3rd Prize: Vive, Agustín Martínez García, Francisco de Goya IES
special mention for its literary quality in micropoems: Adrian Garcia Castellon, IES Francisco de Goya
Third Level (Students of university and training)
1st Prize: Empty, Pablo Martinez Jimenez, IES Cañada de las Eras
2nd Prize: Fear and time Fuensanta Almaida School, IES Francisco de Goya
3rd Prize: Poppy, Luis Rincon Linares, IES Cañada de las Eras
The XXV Literary Contest prizes includes the following for each of the two categories of micropoetry and Microrrelato, and for each level:
1st prize: a set of books worth 150 euros and diploma.
2nd prize: a set of books worth 100 euros and diploma.
3rd prize: a lot of books worth 80 euros and diploma.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura