The City of Molina de Segura has formalized its accession to the CIVINET Red Spain and Portugal (, pursuant to a decision adopted unanimously in plenary molinense Municipal consistory, held last February 29.
Spain and Portugal the CIVITAS network is a network for local authorities (cities, provinces, counties, etc.) in Spain and Portugal, but is also open to the so-called associate members (universities, transport authorities, technology centers or private enterprises) interests in sustainable mobility.
Since the Network with the participation of the European Commission, the fact of being a member and belong to it it is free.
and forms the only statewide network that cares for all aspects regarding sustainable mobility, energy saving and emission reduction through:
Reducing the impact on climate change
Transport cost reduction and Mobility
Improved health and air quality.
The main benefit of members is to share experiences locally.
Other advantages include: sharing elknow-how already implemented practices;
knowledge of other cities that have already taken action (in some unpopular case);
AND HOW have managed the problem and solutions.
They can also be conocerexpertos and técnicosque can help cities solve their problems, because the network is also made up of scholars of mobility.
Members benefit detalleres and congresosdirigidos to the concerns and problems of cities of different sizes, but within the same culture.
Some of the topics to be treated will be related to cleaner fuels, public transport, less use of private vehicles, promoting bicycle and other means of sustainable transport, controlled the downtowns access, shared spaces for pedestrian / bicycle / TP / vehicles, more sustainable distribution of goods, among others, as the network will be open commonstylistic aintereses members.
In addition to these "specific" to address issues of interest to all geographic levels (so that no point of the peninsula is left forgotten) workshops, members can benefit from annual uncongreso, where members will meet and discuss key issues on Sustainable Mobility.
The Network also provides specific meetings for politicians who will also be in communication with European laComisión and Political elComité the European CIVITASa Red level (PAC).
Finally, members recibiráne-newsletters with interesting information, incluyendonuevas calls and new forms of cofinanciaciónpara the actions they want to perform.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura