Molina Hospital expands its service portfolio with the launch of its new Unit Body Damage Assessment, led by Dr. Antonio Amoros.
Body Damage Assessment, or legal medical assessment of damage to the person, is aimed at estimating the bodily harm that person can file a medical expert function - derived from both accidents (occupational, traffic, sports, etc.) and diseases produced by external and internal agents - in order that it can be repaired (from the judicial or economic areas) or is the subject of a social benefit.
The titrator doctor not only analyzes and evaluates the injury from a medical point of view, but that reviews and evaluates all the consequences of the injury on the person in all areas of your life.
Dr. Antonio Amoros highlights the advantages of the Unit Body Damage belongs to the Hospital de Molina: "The coordination of the diagnostic system and collaboration of the Hospital: from specialists to complete their diagnoses, to devices diagnostic Hospital Center (such as resources Service diagnostic imaging). This is the added value of our Unit Body Damage Assessment ".
Unit Body Damage Assessment Hospital de Molina addresses the following areas of intervention:
Civil: assessment of bodily injury in traffic accidents, disability, incapacitation and the contentious-administrative level.
Work: study and evaluation of labor market outcomes, disability, accident and occupational disease.
Criminal: study of damage and sequelae medical malpractice, aggression, physical or psychological abuse on individuals and paternity affiliation.
Source: Hospital de Molina