The award ceremony took place on Thursday 14 April, in the tent of Health Forum
The award ceremony of the sixth Doctor Francisco Guirado 2016 Award, organized by the City of Molina de Segura, took place on Thursday 14 April, in the tent of Health Forum in the Plaza of Spain, chaired by the Mayor of the town, Esther Clavero Mira.
The prize was awarded this year in Diego Lopez Ubeda in the individual category, posthumously, and the Regional Assembly Molina Vega Media of Spanish Red Cross in the collective category.
The nurse Úbeda Diego Lopez received the award posthumously, since he died two weeks ago.
He has developed his work as a nurse for nearly 40 years in the two health centers in the municipality.
He has also served many years the City molinense, treating patients at clinics nursing Barrio de San Roque and Barrio del Carmen.
His funeral was attended by over a thousand people.
The award was accepted by his widow, Juana Martinez Heredia.
Meanwhile, SPANISH RED CROSS partner makes a major health work through its Regional Assembly Molina Vega Media.
For years, he develops various health programs in the municipality, backed by annual agreements signed with molinense consistory.
The award was collected by the President of the Regional Assembly, María José Almagro Martínez.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura