We can Molina de Segura has completed its assembly, where enrollees have decided to support the entry of Molina's change in the new government team at City Hall who heads the socialist Esther Clavero.
The secretary general of Podemos in Molina de Segura said that "it is time to make way for a government policy change we need a municipality like Molina de Segura after 21 years of Popular Party government and said that "since we Molina municipalita support the candidacy of Molina's change, to take up the institutions voice and demands of the residents, and to municipal politics regain its policy role for the general interest to private interests"
Toral has concluded that "opens a new stage in the city, and that we will be present and aware of the rights of the ciudanía are met and to meet their demands with a transparent and participatory management".
Source: Podemos Región de Murcia