The Department of Equality of Molina de Segura organizes the Film Forum movie The Master of the Republic on Tuesday, April 5, at 18:00 pm in the Exhibition Hall Cajamurcia (in Paseo Rosales, No. 15), in the IV development Plan for Equal Opportunities and in commemoration of March 8, United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace.
In the event the film The Master of the Republic, winner of the 2014 Goya Award for best documentary film will be screened, and cinema forum run by Luz Martínez Ten, Secretary of Social Policy FETE UGT.
Bachelor of Science in Education, Luz Martinez completed his studies with a master gender at the Complutense University and doctorate courses in Social Policy and Migration in the Ortega y Gasset Foundation.
For Martinez Ten "is necessary to look back and retrieve the values ​​of the teachers who for decades were pioneers in teaching methods and strove to harmonize knowledge with social and personal values."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura