Deputy Secretary General of the PSOE-RM, Isabel Casalduero, has argued that if "we have managed the Mayor in Molina de Segura is because socialists know dialogue to reach agreements that required us citizenship at the polls."
Casalduero believes that what has happened in Molina de Segura, and in most consistory of Murcia, shows that the Socialists know dialogue with other political forces to carry out reform policies as necessary in the municipalities in the Region and also in Spain.
Deputy Secretary General of the PSOE in the Region of Murcia does not understand the tantrum of the Popular Party with which, all that shows is the lack of respect for institutions and popular democracy leaders.
"It is shameful that whenever political forces, elected by the people, reach agreements, the PP appears with insults and slights the democratic system, which shows that it has been left alone by their lack of ability to get along with others" , he added the socialist leader.
Casalduero has argued that in Molina de Segura a period of reform and progress, with policies designed for the residents is opened, as is happening in other municipalities where rules or forms part of the PSOE corporation.