The youth group of youth participation project 2.8 Molina de Segura, formed by students of IES Francisco de Goya, has scheduled 2.8 Musical Day, held on Friday, April 8.
The three activities organized and managed by this group are:
At 17.30 pm in the Center for Youth Participation (in New Street, No. 19) PROJECTION OF VIDEOGAME created by the project participants guys themselves.
At 20.30 pm in the Plaza of Spain, MICRO OPEN.
micro open to anyone who wants to go up and sing, read or play an instrument will be installed.
At 22.00 pm in the Plaza of Spain, LITTLE EXHIBIT DJ'S, with young dj's the municipality.
phosphorite for those with nonperishable food to activities to benefit Caritas of Molina de Segura bracelets will be distributed.
The project aims at joining processes, based on education for participation, experimentally, with young people from secondary schools in Molina de Segura, in order to provide an itinerary of education for participation and a process that will , by itself, generate acquiring skills inherent in participating.
Young people, through regular meetings with a proactive program, have developed social skills and knowledge in the subject they have chosen.
In this case, they have been interested in knowing the work of Caritas Molina de Segura.
And they have proposed, planned and managed these activities.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura