Procession Easter Sunday, organized by the Illustrious, and Most Ancient Venerable Confraternity of Our Lady of the Rosary and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, on Sunday March 27, is celebrated from 0830 hours.
The images participating in the procession are: San Miguel Archangel, Ramón Santo Marco;
Cross Triumphant, Risen Christ apparition of Jesus to Mary Magdalene and St. John the Evangelist, all Juncal Vazquez;
and Mary of Victory, Clemente Cantos.
Around 09.30 hours takes place at Plaza Pius XII, the emotional meeting of the Risen Christ and the Virgin de la Victoria.
The Brotherhood of the Resurrection is based in the parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and is composed of over 400 penitents who wear white robes and headdresses of different color according to the Brotherhood to which they belong.
Sunday procession has seven children from the parishes parade with similar dalmatics you saw the San Vicente Martir, patron of the city, and those who are known popularly as sanvicentiquios.
The parade will start from the headquarters of the Brotherhood, in the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
The Risen Christ will travel Saavedra Fajardo Street and Gran Vía until you reach Plaza Pius XII, where the meeting will occur.
This square will come the image of Our Lady of Victory, which will come along Calle Juan de Austria.
Both images continue the parade Calvario Street, New Street, Calle Mayor, Street Culture, Paseo Rosales, Station Street, Street Menendez Pelayo, Gran Vía, Calle San Esteban, ending again in the Church of the Sacred Heart.
This concludes the Easter procession of Molina de Segura.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura