At 19.00 pm will receive municipal authorities to the Superior Council of Guilds Pasionarias in the Plaza of Spain, and the opening speech will be delivered after the Mass of 19.30 in the Church of Ntra. Sra. De la Asuncion
On Sunday March 13, at 18.30, from the Church of Ntra. Sra. De la Asuncion, will be the Procession of Children
The molinense historian Juan de Dios Hernández Miñano deliver the Official Proclamation of Easter 2016 Molina de Segura on Saturday March 12, at the Church of Ntra. Sra. De la Asuncion.
At 19.30 pm a Mass will be held and subsequently will be held the opening speech.
The event is organized by the Superior Council of Guilds Pasionarias of the town, and will be attended by the Mayor of the town, Eduardo Contreras Linares, and other members of the Municipal Corporation.
Previously, at 19.00 hours, reception of municipal authorities will be made to the Superior City Council and the parade from the Plaza of Spain to the Church of Ntra. Sra. De la Asuncion.
After the reading of the proclamation, in the same parish church of the Nazarene will present the Year 2016 award Easter Molina de Segura Raymond of the García-Candel, professor and photographer molinense Reyes.
Following this event, will be the performance of the Municipal Orchestra Hims Mola, and the traditional Nazarene fellowship dinner organized by the Cabildo.
The distinction of Nazarene of the Year was instituted in 2011 by the Superior Council of Guilds Pasionarias, and on that first occasion went to the priest Julian molinense Chicano Peñaranda.
In 2012 was the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras Linares, who received the distinction.
In 2013, this award went to Francisco Vicente Hernandez, who, from its founding to 2012, chaired the Superior Council.
In 2014 it fell to Ramón Jara Gil, Counsellor of the council and pastor of the Church of Ntra. Sra. De la Asuncion de Molina de Segura, 2015 and last year was Juan de Dios Rosauro Gomariz.
The next day, Sunday March 13, from 18.30, from the Church of Ntra. Sra. De la Asuncion, will be the PROCESSION OF CHILDREN, composed solely of children and organized, for the tenth year, the Guilds Higher Cabildo.
300 children parade of the brotherhoods of the Resurrection and the Holy Burial.
Four images are part of the procession: Child of Passion (molinense work of sculptor Bernabé Gil);
Nazarene Children (Ramón Cuenca);
Christ of the Incarnation (anonymous author);
and First Lady of Pain (Salzillo school, nineteenth century).
The procession of the Plaza de la Iglesia de Ntra. Sra. De la Asuncion and continues along Calle Ramon y Cajal, Constitution Square, streets Culture, Mayor and Santa Teresa, Paseo Rosales, Plaza de la Murcia Region, streets Culture and pensioner and return to Plaza de la Iglesia, arriving at 21.00, approximately.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura