The festivity of the village of La Ribera de Molina, in honor of the Sacred Heart, will be held until Monday 5 July.
The events planned are:
Thursday, July 1
10.00 pm in the Social Centre, Drawing and Painting Faces.
18.00, playground.
21.30 pm in the fairgrounds, performance of the Rondalla and Chorus Home for the Elderly in Molina de Segura, under the leadership of Juan Antonio Ortiz.
Friday, July 2
22.30 pm in the Plaza Mayor, holiday proclamation, by the First Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Social Welfare of the City of Molina de Segura, Worship Molina López.
Then act of coronation of the homecoming queen 2010 and action by the Kings of the Sun Orchestra
Saturday, July 3
09.00 pm in the Plaza Mayor, concentration of classic motorcycles.
10.00, popular race.
14.00 hours, great paella.
21.00 hours, departing from Los Jaimes, parade floats.
At the end of the parade, there will be action by the Sunrise Orchestra.
Sunday July 4
12.00, solemn Mass sung by the Choral Arts Harmony.
21.30 hours, a procession with the image of the patron, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, accompanied by the Banda Municipal de Molina de Segura.
Then Castle fireworks and performance of the duo Sonia and Lax.
Monday, July 5
13.00, water festival.
20.00 pm, race ribbons and awards.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura