Local Police arrested Molina de Segura, on Saturday 12 June, about 0500 hours, three young men who respond to initial JAGD, of Spanish nationality, ADMC, a Colombian national, and RCC, a Colombian national, the latter a minor, theft of a DVD radio inside a vehicle that was parked in the street.
As reported by the City Council Public Safety and local police, Fortunato Arias City, "the performance was made possible through the collaboration of a woman who made a telephone call to the Board of the Local Police in Molina de Segura, reporting that some youths had trap door of a vehicle and had taken the radio I had installed. "
Acting agents quickly located the young people in the vicinity of where the theft occurred, carrying even the radio stolen.
Moreover, also on Saturday, about 11.30 am, Local Police identified, searched and then moved to the National Police Station for making available three Bulgarian women who respond to initial EIT NYG and KST
The performance of the police was prompted by a phone call from a woman reporting that her purse had been stolen by the procedure of pulling in the weekly market.
With the help of a merchant who had seen and citizens, it was possible the provision in the National Police of these people.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura