Good Morning, On May 26, when we won the elections touching an absolute majority and with twice the number of councilors compared to the previous elections, for me, personally, it was a bittersweet victory, as a socialist I won a battle, but as a mother I faced one of the hardest moments of my life.
Despite the difficult circumstances, I confirmed my decision to accompany Esther in her political project. Esther, you can be calm, as the mother of an oncology patient, I would have done the same, follow the guidelines of health professionals, who are the ones who look after our health. It has been a very intense year and a half, we did not lack courage to face a Dana, nor have we lacked courage to fight with all the means we have, and those that we have articulated to combat this pandemic, Esther Clavero always being at the helm, even in the toughest moments of your life and not only professionally. And despite all this, without a doubt the worst moment, personally, is the one we are seeing in recent days, seeing how this project that I join with enthusiasm and responsibility has sold out; and I made the decision to leave my public position as a non-released Councilor for Municipal Services, Public Buildings and SAI Headquarters.
In this difficult pandemic, I have continued to work in such crucial businesses, to safeguard everyone's safety, even though this has meant not receiving any remuneration for months. Honesty, good management, transparency, and leadership are the hallmarks of Esther Clavero, consequently and faithful to her principles she has taken a courageous step, and I hope that the political parties and the media act with the The same forcefulness that they have done with the Mayor of Molina de Segura, and that the other mayors, or mayors and any other public office regardless of their rank, who have also been vaccinated, take a good example. Molina de Segura always ends up, finally, being the scapegoat of something.
Perhaps that is the price that a municipality like ours, highly participatory and a model to follow among Spanish cities, has to pay. Dear Esther, as I have always heard you say and so the statistics say, I hope that women do not have 500 years left to achieve our equality in society, and we do not have to be permanently demonstrating something.
I hope you don't have to spend so many years to see a female mayor in Molina, as it has been shown to be highly effective and positive. The false appearance, the unscrupulousness and the crisis of values, unfortunately, rule the world, and so goes the governance. I want to thank the employees of Sercomosa, my Head of Service, the municipal technicians of my councils for their tireless work, and a special mention to the staff of the Municipal Warehouse, hard-working people who do not always have the support they deserve, but who each within their position, they are still fundamental pieces of an almost perfect gear. I wish my colleagues from the municipal group the best of luck in their journey, because Molina has always deserved it and will always deserve it. Finally, to say that I came with nothing and I leave with nothing, except for those friends and people of good faith who are good faith, who I still keep. Thanks a lot. Molina de Segura, January 25, 2021 function { ;(, , {});}
Source: Sandra Díez Calderero