| The term of admission of the works ends on March 10 from 2021 | The Youth Council of the City Council of Molina de Segura, in collaboration with the Secondary Education centers of the town, has convened the XXX Literary Contest of Secondary Education 2021, in which all students can participate and female students studying Secondary Education (ESO), Baccalaureate, Middle Grade Training Cycles and Basic Vocational Training from Molina de Segura.
This activity aims to promote and support the literary concerns of the youth of Moline with the collaboration of the educational centers of the town, and this is the basis for the success of its various calls.
The Youth Council has been publishing a book of micro-stories and micropoesies with the winning texts of the Contest, as an expression of the literary and artistic capacity of young people in the municipality, and it is a motivation so that they continue to grow as creators.
The contest establishes the modalities of Micro-story and Micropoes�a.
The compositions that are submitted to the contest must be of free theme, original and unpublished.
The length of the micro-stories will be a maximum of 250 words, while in micropoesy the maximum limit has been extended to 10 verses.
Each contestant may send a maximum of two works for each modality.
The Literary Contest includes the following categories: First Level: 1st and 2nd ESO students.
Second Level: 3rd and 4th ESO students and Basic Vocational Training.
Third Level: High School students and Middle Grade Training Cycles.
In this edition, the financial endowment of the prizes for each category and level has been increased, which are the following: First prize: a batch of books worth € 250.
Second prize: a batch of books worth € 200.
Third prize: a batch of books worth € 150.
The admission period ends on March 10, 2021, and the works must be submitted through the website http://juventud.molinadesegura.es, where the bases can also be found.
The Youth Council of the Molina de Segura City Council will publish the list of winners on the notice board of the Youth Council, on the municipal website www.molinadesegura.
es and in Secondary Education centers.
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Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura