| The agreement has been presented today, Tuesday, December 29, at the Molinense City Council, and includes a total investment of 370,688.70 euros | The signing of the administrative collaboration agreement between the Molina de Segura City Council and the Alguazas City Council for the repair of the El Paraje bridge, seriously damaged by DANA in September 2019, took place today, Tuesday 29 December, in the Plenary Hall of the Molinense Consistory.
The Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero Mira, and the Mayor of Alguazas, Silvia Ruiz Serna attended.
The purpose of the agreement is to determine the conditions by which the collaboration between the Molina de Segura City Council and the Alguazas City Council will be carried out for the repair of said bridge, which is located between both municipalities in the streets Mart nez Soriano from the Barrio de Santa Rita, in Molina de Segura, and Calle del Paraje, in Alguazas.
After the heavy torrential rains on September 12, 13 and 14, 2019, the avenue produced in the Segura river caused the partial destruction of the foundations and abutments of both margins of the bridge that joins the municipal boundaries of Alguazas and Molina de Segura, in the areas known as El Paraje in Alguazas, and Barrio de Santa Rita in Molina de Segura, as well as the displacement of the beams of the same, leading to its closure to the tr Traffic for security reasons.
In order to restore the damaged foundation of the bridge, allowing it to be put into service again, and to improve the hydraulic capacity of the Segura riverbed at its site, a works project has been drawn up that includes a series of actions that can be summarized as follows: Execution of new abutments, consisting of a pair of piles tied at the head by a concrete lintel beam that will receive the reactions of the deck.
Increase in the span of the bridge from the current 30 m to 31.50 m, through the provision of a new pair of support diaphragms, and elevation of the deck grade by 25 cm with respect to its current position .
Conditioning of the section of the channel in the vicinity of the bridge, increasing the inclination of the lateral motes of the river by a length of 10 m, both upstream and downstream, and protection of the new slopes with breakwater.
The demolition of some masonry walls that protect the current abutments is also contemplated, which allows the hydraulic section under the bridge to be increased even more.
Since there is an electrical line that runs over the bridge, a construction process has been planned that allows all the works to be carried out while keeping the bridge in its current position, suspended from a temporary metal lintel.
In turn, the following complementary works are planned: Replacement of the support elements of the deck on the stirrups by others of neoprene holed.
Execution of transition slabs in both abutments.
Execution of new expansion joints at the ends of the deck.
Installation of lateral stops (seismic and anti-rising) and anti-lift stops.
Cleaning, passivation and exterior painting of the board.
Repair and painting of existing railings.
Replacement of damaged guardrails.
Installation of clearance limiting frames.
Replacement of existing luminaires with other LED ones.
Replacement of existing drainage frame.
Conditioning of the slopes of the roads adjacent to the bridge.
Signposting and new road markings.
The total estimated investment will be the sum of the assessment of the valued report drawn up by the municipal technicians, which amounts to 349,996.49 euros, together with the necessary preliminary work, the geotechnical study (4,962, 21 euros), and the drafting of the project (15,730 euros).
In total, it represents a cost of 370,688.70 euros.
The execution period is 4 months.
The work will be financed in equal parts between the Molina de Segura City Council and the Alguazas City Council.
The studies, projects, work management and any other service contract, such as the technical assistance necessary to adequately fulfill the object of the collaboration agreement, as well as other expenses directly related to this agreement, will be financed in the same way.
By Resolution of the Secretary of State for Territorial Policy and Public Function, published in the BOE of November 20, 2020, the allocation of the subsidies provided for in article 9 of Royal Decree-Law 11/2019, so 50% of the project amount, € 174,998.24, will be subsidized by the State Administration from the budget application 22.04.942A.769 of the current general state budgets.
The two parties will assume, in the same percentage, the economic variations that may occur, upward or downward, due to modifications, price revisions, settlement of the contract, complementary works, as well as any other modification that is approved in the execution of contracts for works, services or any other related to the execution of the action.
Para llevar a cabo el presente convenio, las partes firmantes se comprometen a lo siguiente: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura: Aportar al Ayuntamiento de Alguazas certificaci?n del acuerdo del ?rgano competente aprobando el presente convenio, as? como la memoria valorada en donde se describe la obra a realizar, y el gasto que supone, con inclusi?n de la correspondiente retenci?n de cr?dito.
Licitar, adjudicar y gestionar los contratos de obra y dem?s actuaciones del convenio de colaboraci?n, hasta su terminaci?n definitiva, incluida la recepci?n de las mismas.
Abonar los gastos en el porcentaje del 50 %, no subvencionado por otras administraciones, y que asciende a 97.845,23 euros.
Ayuntamiento de Alguazas: Aportar al Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura certificaci?n del acuerdo del ?rgano competente aprobando el presente convenio, as? como la memoria valorada en donde se describe la obra a realizar, y el gasto que supone, con inclusi?n de la correspondiente retenci?n de cr?dito.
Abonar los gastos en el porcentaje del 50 %, no subvencionado por otras administraciones, y que asciende a 97.845,23 euros.
Los gastos ser?n abonados conforme al siguiente detalle: 10.346,10 € (50% del total abonado por el Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura para el estudio geot?cnico y redacci?n de proyecto previa presentaci?n de facturas.) Anualidad 2021 87.499,13 € (25% del importe de la obra, previa presentaci?n de las correspondientes certificaciones de obra) Poner a disposici?n del Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura los terrenos precisos para la realizaci?n de las obras, libres de cargas y grav?menes.
Transferir a la cuenta bancaria del Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura que este designe, el importe correspondiente a la aportaci?n del Ayuntamiento de Alguazas, conforme sean emitidas y aprobadas las facturas y certificaciones de obra ejecutada.
Con la aprobaci?n y firma del convenio, el Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura proceder? a iniciar el tr?mite de autorizaci?n ante la Confederaci?n Hidrogr?fica del Segura y posteriormente realizar? el correspondiente expediente de contrataci?n de la obra.
Una vez finalizadas y recepcionadas las obras, el mantenimiento y conservaci?n de la infraestructura corresponder? los dos Ayuntamientos implicados, mediante la colaboraci?n institucional que se requiera en cada actuaci?n.
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Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura