| The registration period, through the municipal website www.molinadesegura.es, is opens on Tuesday, December 22, at 10 am | Given the acceptance of the first module of online Courses and Workshops corresponding to the November-December offer, the Department of Culture of the Molina de Segura City Council launches a new offer for the period from January to March 2021 . To this end, students who are attending the courses and who wish to continue will not need to register again, their places being reserved.
However, there are places available for new students in all courses.
On the other hand, three new courses are offered with all their free places: Painting with mixed techniques, Watercolor initiation Workshop and Poetry Workshop. The courses are free and are taught electronically, so to participate in them it is essential to have a computer, mobile tablet, as well as an internet connection.
The minimum age to enroll is 16 years old. Registration must be done through the municipal website: www.molinadesegura.es? Municipal Services? Culture? Courses and Workshops The courses offered and their start and end date will appear on it.
In this expansion, and with a general nature, they will begin on January 11 and end on Thursday, March 25. The registration period opens on Tuesday, December 22 at 10:00 a.m.
The order of registration will be attended to.
If the maximum ratio is exceeded, a waiting list will be established. Consultations at the Department of Culture, on the phone number 968 38 85 19. OFFER COURSES AND WORKSHOPS JANUARY TO MARCH 2021 START: MONDAY, JANUARY 11 - END: THURSDAY, MARCH 25 1.
FURNITURE RESTORATION Recovery and enhancement of old and modern furniture by learning restoration techniques.
Taught by Ana Garc a Monday and Wednesday, from 6.30 p.m.
to 8 p.m.
From January 11 to March 24 Total hours: 33 h.
Maximum number of places: 12 2.
RESTORATION OF FURNITURE Recovery and enhancement of old and modern furniture by learning restoration techniques.
Taught by Ana Garc a Tuesday and Thursday, from 6.30 p.m.
to 8 p.m.
From January 12 to March 25 Total hours: 33 h.
Maximum number of places: 12 3.
DECORATION OF RECYCLED FURNITURE Learning the art of furniture decoration from simple models.
Taught by Ana Garc a Tuesday and Wednesday, from 5:00 p.m.
to 6:30 p.m.
From January 12 to March 24 Total hours: 33 h.
Maximum number of places: 12 4.
PHOTOGRAPH Continuation of the Basic Photography Course.
Photographic composition.
Initiation to image editing.
Taught by Jes s G mez Tuesday and Thursday, from 7:45 p.m.
to 9:15 p.m.
From January 12 to March 25 Total hours: 33 h.
Maximum number of places: 12 5.
PAINTING AND DRAWING Initiation to drawing: fit and proportion of the figure.
Painting techniques with acrylic and oil and initiation to watercolor.
Taught by Maribel Alba Monday and Tuesday, from 5:00 p.m.
to 6:30 p.m.
From January 11 to March 23 Total hours: 33 h.
Maximum number of places: 12 6.
ARTETHERAPY Personal development and methodology through the knowledge of the elements of visual-plastic language and classical techniques.
Taught by Maribel Alba Monday and Tuesday, from 6.30 p.m.
to 8 p.m.
From January 11 to March 23 Total hours: 33 h.
Maximum number of places: 12 7.
PAINTING WITH MIXED TECHNIQUES Consisting of using different materials to achieve a greater visual sensation and a wealth of textures: Acrylic / Oil, Acrylic / Pastel, Watercolor / Pen and Oil / Colored Paraffin.
Taught by Maribel Alba Wednesday and Thursday, from 5:00 p.m.
to 6:30 p.m.
From January 13 to March 25 Total hours: 33 h.
Maximum number of places: 12 8.
ART WORKSHOP Desarrollo de la expresi?n pl?stica a trav?s de la pintura mezclando las distintas t?cnicas acuarela, acr?lico, collage? sobre m?ltiples soportes.
Impartido por Trinidad Garc?a Lunes y mi?rcoles, de 11.00 a 12.30 h.
Del 11 de enero al 24 de marzo Total horas: 33 h.
N? m?ximo de plazas: 12 9.
TALLER DE INICIACI?N A LA ACUARELA Un breve repaso por los materiales necesarios para realizar los diferentes ejercicios que se plantear?n y su finalidad.
Veremos aspectos b?sicos a la hora de trabajar con acuarelas como son los distintos niveles de transparencias, controlando la cantidad de agua y los gradientes o saturaci?n de la pintura, y el pulso y la precisi?n para comenzar a usar el pincel.
Iniciaci?n a la Acuarela Bot?nica y al Paisaje.
Impartido por Trinidad Garc?a Martes y jueves, de 19.00 a 20.30 h.
Del 12 de enero al 25 de marzo Total horas: 33 h.
N? m?ximo de plazas: 12 10.
RITMOS LATINOS II Grupo de avanzado, para quienes buscan perfeccionar sus pasos.
T?cnicas seg?n la escuela de salsa colombiana y cubana de sal?n; bachata, merengue y chachach?.
Impartido por Suri Lunes y mi?rcoles, de 20.00 a 21.30 h.
Del 11 de enero al 24 de marzo Total horas: 33 h.
N? m?ximo de plazas: 18 11.
RITMOS LATINOS I Grupo de inicio, para quienes empiezan.
Introducci?n a los tiempos y al ritmo musical.
Aprendizaje seg?n la escuela de salsa colombiana y cubana de sal?n; bachata, merengue y chachach?.
Impartido por Suri Martes y jueves, de 20.00 a 21.30 h.
Del 12 de enero al 25 de marzo Total horas: 33 h.
N? m?ximo de plazas: 18 12.
BORDADO TRADICIONAL El bordado b?sico en todas sus variedades.
Conocer los distintos tipos de tejidos usados.
El bordado regional.
Iniciaci?n al bordado avanzado.
Impartido por Pepa Carreño Lunes y mi?rcoles, de 17.00 a 18.30 h.
Del 11 de enero al 24 de marzo Total horas: 33 h.
N? m?ximo de plazas: 12 13.
YOGA DE MAÑANAS Hatha Yoga: autoconocimiento del cuerpo y sus articulaciones, a trav?s de la conexi?n con la respiraci?n y de la atenci?n plena en los ejercicios que se desarrollan en cada momento.
Impartido por Carmen Mª Lunes y mi?rcoles, de 09.30 a 11.00 h.
Del 11 de enero al 24 de marzo Total horas: 33 h.
N? m?ximo de plazas: 18 14.
YOGA DE TARDES Hatha Yoga: autoconocimiento del cuerpo y sus articulaciones, a trav?s de la conexi?n con la respiraci?n y de la atenci?n plena en los ejercicios que se desarrollan en cada momento.
Impartido por Carmen Mª Lunes y mi?rcoles, de 19.30 a 21.00 h.
Del 11 de enero al 24 de marzo Total horas: 33 h.
N? m?ximo de plazas: 18 15.
TAICH? DE TARDES Programas con formas b?sicas.
Trabajos con abanico y espada de taich?.
T?cnicas respiratorias Chikung.
Impartido por Pedro Torrano Lunes y mi?rcoles, de 18.30 a 20.00 h.
Del 11 de enero al 24 de marzo Total horas: 33 h.
N? m?ximo de plazas: 18 16.
TAICH? DE MAÑANAS Programas con formas b?sicas.
Trabajos con abanico y espada de taich?.
T?cnicas respiratorias Chikung.
Impartido por Pedro Torrano Martes y jueves, de 09.30 a 11.00 h.
Del 12 de enero al 25 de marzo Total horas: 33 h.
N? m?ximo de plazas: 18 17.
TALLER DE POES?A Escribir poemas tiene su t?cnica, su historia y sus abismos.
En este taller trabajaremos con el secreto del texto po?tico, con sus t?cnicas b?sicas (ritmo, met?fora, evocaci?n, contraste, imagen), con sus locuras.
No solo nos pondremos a escribir versos, tambi?n los leeremos, los conoceremos a fondo.
Impartido por Club Renacimiento Mi?rcoles, de 19.00 a 21.00 h.
Del 13 de enero al 17 de febrero Total horas: 12 h.
N? m?ximo de plazas: 10 function { ;(, , {});}
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura