| The City Council has approved a list of invoices for a total amount of 1,080,237.8 euros | The First Deputy Mayor and Spokesperson for the Local Government Board of the Molina de Segura City Council, ngel Navarro Garc a, has reported the agreements adopted at the last meeting of the Local Government Board, of charge.
Ordinary cter, held today, Thursday, December 17, by telematics through videoconference.
In the same, the start of the contracting file for the works of installation of public lighting and traffic lights at various points of the municipal district of Molina de Segura, within the 2019 Participatory Budgeting process, has been approved.
, with an expense of 266,568 euros, as well as a list of City Council bills, amounting to 1,080,237.8 euros.
TOWN PLANNING 4 urban planning license files, 1 segregation license file, and 2 sanctioning files for urban infringement have been approved.
ESTATE Approval of a list of invoices from the City Council, amounting to 1,080,237.8 euros.
Approval of a list of SERCOMOSA invoices for an amount of 577,552.72 euros.
Approval of the grant file and rejection of subsidies to the group of pensioners over 65 years of age, pensioners due to widowhood and long-term unemployed 2020.
Approval of the fiscal calendar for the year 2021 of taxes of periodic expiration and collective notification.
Approval of the file of acceptance of donation of 6,000 euros from a company for social assistance due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
HIRING Approval of the refund of the guarantee of the works to improve municipal infrastructures (actions at the municipal level), financially sustainable investments, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature related to the social and labor insertion of people in a situation of unemployment (Participative Budgets 2018), to the company Ecocivil Electromur GE, SL, for an amount of 8,208.33 euros.
Approval of the return of the guarantee of the supply and installation of sports furniture in new pavilions II and III of the El Romeral Sports City, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature, through harmonized regulations , to the company Equidesa Group, SL, for an amount of 10,152.57 euros.
Approval of the extension of the execution period of the contracting of the drafting of the project and health and safety study, direction of the works, direction of execution and coordination of health and safety, corresponding to the complex for Plaza de la Ermita and Casa del Barco Building, framed in the Molina 2020 Avanza Contigo Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development Strategy, 80% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), Through the Pluriregional Operational Program of Spain 2014-2020, to the company Aras Arquitectura y Planamiento Urban stico, SLP, caused by the need for a re-study of the foundation and the structure of the building.
Approval of the extension of the execution period and the initiation of procedures to modify the contract for the organization, management and execution service of the B-Side Festival 2019, extendable for the year following, including special execution conditions of a social nature, related to the social and labor insertion of people in a situation of unemployment, to the company Wild Punk, SL, until May 14, 2021, for its execution during the days 3 and 4 of September 2021.
Approval of the start of the contracting file of the electric power supply contract for low voltage consumption points above 10 Kw, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature and environmental.
Approval of the start of the contracting file for the installation of public lighting and traffic lights in the municipal area of ??Molina de Segura, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature ( Participative Budgets 2019), with an expense of 266,568 euros.
Approval of the start of the hiring file of the authorization concession for the installation of two charging points, of two electric vehicles each, for a total of four parking spaces, incorporating special execution conditions of an environmental nature.
Annual fee of 145.20 euros is approved for each of the two lots.
Approval of the start of the contracting file for the repair works of public roads in the district of La Torrealta for the damages caused by DANA on September 9-16, 2019, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature related to the social and labor insertion of people in a situation of unemployment, with an expense of 190,290.13 euros.
Approval of the start of the contracting file of the roof repair project in public buildings for the damages caused by DANA on September 9-16, 2019, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to the social and labor insertion of people in a situation of unemployment.
TIC Approval of the award of the minor contract of the corporate email service in the cloud of the Molina de Segura City Council (3 months Google Suite Basic 650 users licenses), to the company Vodafone Spain, SAU, for an amount of 12,269.40 euros.
POLICIES FOR TRAINING AND LABOR INSERTION Approval of the Health and Safety Plan for the construction of changing rooms in Campo de F tbol 7 in Barrio San Jos - Los Angeles, within the Mixed Program of Employment and Training 2020-2021.
V AP BLICA Aprobaci?n del convenio entre la Comunidad Aut?noma de la Regi?n de Murcia, a trav?s de la Consejer?a de Presidencia y Hacienda, y el Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura, para la concesi?n de una subvenci?n con cargo al Plan de Pedan?as, Diputaciones y Barrios Perif?ricos y/o Deprimidos 2020-2021.
Se aprueba la modificaci?n de la financiaci?n de la actuaci?n n° 1 del Plan de Pedan?as, Diputaciones y Barrios Perif?ricos y/o Deprimidos 2020-2021, y el gasto por importe de 127.848,36 euros.
Aprobaci?n de la adenda del convenio de colaboraci?n entre el Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura y el Ayuntamiento de Alguazas para el arreglo del Puente de Alguazas sobre el R?o Segura.
Aprobaci?n de la adjudicaci?n de contrato menor de suministro de bancos para casco urbano y pedan?as de Molina de Segura, a la empresa Novatilu, SL, por un importe de 12.584 euros.
Aprobaci?n de la adjudicaci?n de contrato menor de las obras de acondicionamiento del c?rculo central de la glorieta de F?tima, para implantaci?n de elementos ornamentales, en el t?rmino municipal de Molina de Segura, a la empresa Econatura, SL, por un importe de 29.700,24 euros.
DEPORTE Y SALUD P?BLICA Aprobaci?n del gasto de 5.000 euros y convenio 2020 con la asociaci?n FEDER para el apoyo a pacientes y familias afectadas por enfermedades raras poco frecuentes.
Aprobaci?n del gasto de 6.800 euros y convenio 2020 de colaboraci?n entre el Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura y la Universidad de Murcia para el desarrollo del Programa de Salud 5-10 Niños sanos, adultos felices.
MEDIO AMBIENTE Aprobaci?n de la adjudicaci?n de contrato menor del servicio de comunicaci?n, informaci?n y asesoramiento para la gesti?n de restos de podas, prevenci?n y alternativas a las quemas agr?colas, a Mar?a Jes?s Medina Gonz?lez, por un importe de 8.647,63 euros.
COOPERACI?N AL DESARROLLO Y SOLIDARIDAD Aprobaci?n de la concesi?n de subvenciones recogidas en la convocatoria de subvenciones de la Concejal?a de Cooperaci?n al Desarrollo y Solidaridad a proyectos de cooperaci?n internacional para el desarrollo, por un importe total de 80.000 euros: a CEPAIM, por importe de 14.540 euros; a Entrepueblos, por importe de 30.027,36 euros; y a Acci?n Sin Fronteras, por importe de 35.432,64 euros.
Aprobaci?n del gasto de 15.000 euros y convenio 2020 entre el Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura y la Asociaci?n de Solidaridad y Cooperaci?n con el Pueblo Saharaui, para apoyo a la sede de la Delegaci?n Saharaui de la Regi?n de Murcia, equipamiento y materiales para guarder?as en Dajla y Programa Vacaciones en Paz 2020.
RECURSOS HUMANOS Aprobaci?n de las bases de la convocatoria para la constituci?n, mediante concurso-oposici?n libre, de una bolsa de trabajo de la categor?a de Arquitecto T?cnico del Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura.
Aprobaci?n de las bases de la convocatoria para la constituci?n, mediante concurso-oposici?n libre, de una bolsa de trabajo de la categor?a de Ofim?tico del Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura.
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Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura