The Hospital de Molina has been a finalist in the BSH Awards - Best Spanish Hospitals Awards in the diagnostic category of the skeletal muscle apparatus, which for the second consecutive year delivered by the Higia Benchmarking companies (specialized in the an Analysis of useful indicators for health management in Health Benchmarking 3.0 - BS3) and the Asho company (national leader in the provision of hospital discharge coding and automatic coding services).
ethics of ambulatory processes).
In the words of the Deputy Manager of the Hospital de Molina, Francisco Mench n Galiana, "being a finalist in these Awards is a stimulus for the entire human and professional team of our Hospital and at the same time a tool to continue to exceed and continuously improve the levels quality in health care that we have been providing to citizens.We maintain a strong commitment to the citizens of Molina de Segura and the rest of the Vega Media region and the Region, based on quality of care and excellence, which is what guides us to ensure that patients, insurers and health institutions that trust us continue to see us as their trusted hospital.
" The BSH Awards - Best Spanish Hospitals Awards , whose methodology is also valid by the Spanish Society of Health Directors (SEDISA), recognize hospital excellence through indicators of efficiency, adequacy and quality assistance.
The objective of the awards is focused on promoting clinical management aimed at the continuous improvement of public and private Spanish acute hospitals.
In its second edition, 105 hospitals from all over Spain have participated voluntarily, free of charge and confidentially - 52 come from the National Health System and 53 are private that have opted for any of the awards, which were presented this morning, at a gala virtual.
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Source: Hospital de Molina