| The City Council has approved a list of invoices for the total amount of 354,637.01 euros | The First Deputy Mayor and Spokesperson of the Local Government Board of the Molina de Segura City Council, Ángel Navarro García, has reported on the agreements adopted at the last meeting of the Local Government Board, of an ordinary nature, held today Thursday 10 of December, electronically via videoconference.
In it, the award of the technical project for energy rehabilitation of buildings of the Molina de Segura City Council has been approved, framed in the Molina 2020 Avanza Contigo Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development Strategy, for a total amount of 53,240 euros, as well as a relationship of invoices from the City Council, amounting to 354,637.01 euros. TOWN PLANNING 1 urban planning license file and 1 segregation license file have been approved. ESTATE Approval of a list of COVID-19 emergency invoices, amounting to 7,353.88 euros. Approval of a list of invoices, basic requirements, amounting to 1,591.92 euros. Approval of a list of SERCOMOSA invoices, amounting to 457,367.63 euros. Approval of a list of invoices from the City Council, amounting to 354,637.01 euros. CONTRACTING Approval of the proposal for the award of the maintenance service of the Intelligent Waiting Management System (Q-SIGE), incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature, to the company IDM Sistemas de Comunicación, SL, for an amount of 1,512.50 euros . Approval of the proposal for the award of the maintenance service and leasing of the license to use the TAYA Management System - Agile Treasury, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature, to the company Tesorería Analisis y Aplicaciones, SA, for an amount of 16,335 euros . Approval of the proposal for the award of the maintenance service of corporate computer applications (TAO applications) in 2021, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature, to the company T-Systems ITC Iberia, SAU, for an amount of 75,910.73 euros. Approval of the proposal for the award of the corporate email service in the cloud of the City Council of Molina de Segura, to the company Opcionalia Soluciones Avanzadas, SRL, for an amount of 77,440 euros, for an execution period of two years. Approval of the award of the contract for the supply and commissioning of a video surveillance system in public places in the municipality of Molina de Segura, framed in the Molina 2020 Avanza Contigo Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development Strategy, 80% co-financed by the Fund Regional Development Committee (ERDF), through the Pluriregional Operational Program of Spain 2014-2020, to the company Viriato Seguridad, SL, for a total amount of 61,948.37 euros. Approval of the award of the contract for the technical assistance service for the management of phase 2 of the CITIES4CSR project of the European URBACT program, incorporating special economic, social and environmental execution conditions related to social responsibility and quality and stability in employment , to the company Eurovértice Consultores, SL, for a total amount of 27,830 euros. Approval of the award of the technical project contract for energy rehabilitation of buildings of the Molina de Segura City Council, framed in the Molina 2020 Integrated and Sustainable Urban Development Strategy Avanza Contigo, Line of Action 3 Plan for energy rehabilitation and renewable energies in public buildings , which may be 80% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Pluriregional Operational Program of Spain 2014-2020, to the company Solvent Iniciativas Empresariales, SL, for a total amount of 53,240 euros. Approval of the awarding of the 2020 Molina de Segura Choral Christmas Carol Contest, incorporating special execution conditions, to the Kodály Coral Cultural Association, for an amount of 5,000 euros. Approval of the start of the contracting file for the repair works of the Vereda de la Barca Path, the Puente de la Canal Path and the Almarjales Path, in the hamlet of La Ribera, for the damages caused by DANA on 9-16 September 2019, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature related to the socio-labor insertion of unemployed people, with an expense of 171,148.92 euros. Approval of the start of the file for contracting the insurance of material damage and loss in real estate owned by the Molina de Segura City Council. Approval of the start of the contracting file for the road repair works in Huerta de Arriba, Huerta de Abajo and annexes, in the district of El Llano de Molina, for the damages caused by DANA on September 9-16, 2019 , incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature related to the socio-labor insertion of unemployed people, with an expense of 292,500.27 euros. Approval of the start of the contracting file for the replacement works of roads affected by the damage caused by DANA on September 9-16, 2019 in different districts of Molina de Segura, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature, with a expense of 141,735.85 euros. POLICIES FOR TRAINING AND LABOR INSERTION Approval of the type of collaboration agreement between the Molina de Segura City Council and the Regional Employment and Training Service to cooperate in the provision of information, guidance, counseling and support services for youth employment. Approval of the appointment of director of execution of the changing rooms works in the 7 Football Field of the San José neighborhood - Los Angeles. Approval of the extension of the collaboration agreement between the Murcian Health Service and the Molina de Segura City Council for the development of rehabilitation and socio-labor insertion actions of people with mental illness and / or drug addiction. Approval of the resolution of liquidation of the Course AC2015661 Basic Kitchen Operations, amounting to 5,147.61 euros. Aprobación de la resolución de liquidación de subvención del Curso AC2015655 Montaje de Instalaciones Electrotécnicas y de Telecomunicaciones, por importe de 5.719,57 euros. Aprobación de la resolución de liquidación de subvención del Curso AC2015-665 Servicios de Bar y Cafetería, por importe de 21.703,09 euros. Aprobación de la resolución de liquidación de subvención y obligación de reintegro del Curso AC2017-1405 Operaciones Auxiliares de Montaje y Mantenimiento de Equipos Eléctricos y Electrónicos, por importe de 12.982,59 euros. Aprobación de la resolución de liquidación de subvención y obligación de reintegro del Curso AC2016-1644 Instalación Y Mantenimiento De Jardines Y Zonas Verdes, por importe de 2.101,29 euros. CULTURA Aprobación de convenio entre el Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura y la empresa TK Analitics para la emisión en streaming de los espectáculos a representar en el Teatro Villa de Molina, durante un año. Aprobación de gasto de 1.862 euros y convenio 2020 de subvención nominativa del Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura a la Asociación Coral Polifónica Hims Mola. Aprobación de gasto de 1.500 euros y convenio 2020 de subvención nominativa del Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura a la Asociación Orquesta de Cuerda Hims Mola. Aprobación de concesión del XVII Premio Setenil 2020 a Cristina Sánchez-Andrade Potter por importe de 10.000 euros. ESTADÍSTICA Aprobación de declaración de caducidad de inscripciones patronales en el expediente de renovación de extranjeros (Código INE 111). MEDIO AMBIENTE Aprobación de la adjudicación de contrato menor de obras de realización de hoyos en Soto La Ermita y Curva de las Peñetas y colocación de valla de seguridad en Soto de los Álamos, a la empresa Retamar, Obras, Servicios y Medio Ambiente, SL, por un importe de 8.776,59 euros. EDIFICIOS PÚBLICOS Aprobación de la adjudicación de contrato menor de las obras de memoria valorada de sustitución de carpintería exterior y local de Urbanismo y Vía Pública, medidas COVID-19, a la empresa Juan Leñador López, por un importe de 15.819,54 euros. FIESTAS LOCALES Aprobación de la adjudicación de contrato menor del servicio de promoción de la campaña de comercio dentro de la programación de Navidad 2020, a través de invitaciones y de un spot en Cines Neocine Vega Plaza de Molina de Segura, que incluye también promoción en los cines del grupo, a la empresa Carceserna, SL, por un importe de 6.061,46 euros. MOVILIDAD Aprobación de la adjudicación de contrato menor de instalación de 2 nuevas marquesinas para usuarios de transporte público en C/ Baleares y C/ Rambla de La Ribera de Molina, a la empresa JS Mobiliario Urbano y Rótulos, por un importe de 19.989,73 euros.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura