The corporal of the Consortium for Fire Extinction and Rescue of the Murcia Region (CEIS), Jos Mar a Garc a, is the author of the book 'Bomberos de Molina de Segura.
Cr nica hist rica ', a tribute to work, to his fellow professionals and to the 30 years that CEIS has been installed in the municipality.
The publication includes events from the beginning and creation of the park in 1986 until today and incorporates personal experiences of the author and his colleagues, in addition to mentioning the 76 firefighters who have been part and who currently make up the staff of the Molina de Segura park.
This chronicle incorporates numerous historical images of actions carried out, evolution of the facilities, materials and changing rooms, documents such as payroll or timetables, as well as newspaper clippings, among others.
Photographs of all the components of this park are also collected, including those that are no longer there.
The Firefighting and Rescue Consortium, attached to the Department of Transparency, Participation and Public Administration, is participated mainly by the regional Administration and 43 municipalities (all with the exception of Murcia and Cartagena).
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Source: CARM