| The City Council has approved a relationship of invoices for a total amount of 165,060.57 euros | The First Deputy Mayor and Spokesperson of the Local Government Board of the Molina de Segura City Council, Ángel Navarro García, has reported on the agreements adopted at the last meeting of the Local Government Board, of an ordinary nature, held today Thursday 26 of November, telematically via videoconference.
In it, the collaboration agreement between the Molinense City Council and the Alguazas City Council has been approved for the repair of the Alguazas bridge over the Segura River, out of service as a result of the DANA of September 2019, with a total investment of 370,688 , 70 euros, as well as a list of City Council bills, amounting to 165,060.57 euros. TOWN PLANNING 2 urban planning license files, 2 subsidiary execution files, and 6 sanctioning files for urban infringement have been approved. ESTATE Approval of a list of invoices for the amount of 165,060.57 euros. CONTRACTING Approval of the award proposal for the project to improve access and road safety works in Avenida de la Industria, zone III, 1st action to improve access to the neighborhood of Fátima, framed in the Molina 2020 Integrated and Sustainable Urban Development Strategy Avanza Contigo, 80% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Pluriregional Operational Program of Spain 2014-2020, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature related to socio-labor insertion of personnel, to the company Pavimentos Asfálticos Lario, SL, for a total amount of 183,557 euros. Approval of the award proposal for the production of the audiovisual documentary provisionally called Molina Avanza Contigo and of several short audiovisual documentary pieces, framed in the Molina 2020 Avanza Contigo Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development Strategy, co-financed 80% by the European Fund for Regional Development (ERDF), through the Pluriregional Operational Program of Spain 2014-2020, incorporating special conditions of execution, to Alfonso Palazón Meseguer, for a total amount of 59,895 euros. Approval of the proposal for the award of the cleaning and access control contract reserved for special employment centers of social initiative and / or insertion companies, at the CEIP Maestro Francisco Martínez Bernal, located in the San José neighborhood, Museo del Enclave de la Wall (MUDEM), Network of Museums, Road Safety Building, and public buildings, in accordance with the fourth additional provision of Law 9/2017 on Public Sector Contracts, incorporating special execution conditions of a socio-labor nature, to the company MEMPLEO, Mental Health and Employment, for an amount of: Lot 1, 205,863.62 euros; and Lot 2, 577,198.83 euros). Approval of the proposal for the award of the cleaning and access control contract at the municipal sports facilities, Ciudad Deportiva El Romeral, Municipal Velodrome, as well as at the Sánchez Cánovas, La Torrealta, San Miguel, El Llano, Altorreal and San football fields José Los Ángeles, through open procedure, and various criteria, incorporating special social execution conditions related to socio-labor insertion in a situation of unemployment, to the company Alternativas de Levante, SL, for an amount of 881,770.02 euros, for a term execution period of two years, extendable for two more years. Approval of the award proposal for the Molina de Segura 2020 Choral Christmas Carol Contest, incorporating special conditions of execution, to the Kodály Coral Cultural Association, for an amount of 5,000 euros. Approval of the start of the contract file for the maintenance and repair service of elevators owned by the Molina de Segura City Council, including special execution conditions of a social nature, with an expense of 6,251.67 euros. Approval of certification number 10 of the rehabilitation works of the Social Center of La Torrealta (Antiguas Escuelas), framed in the Strategy for Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development Molina 2020 Avanza Contigo, 80% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund ( ERDF), through the Pluriregional Operational Program of Spain 2014-2020, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature related to the socio-labor insertion of unemployed people, to the company Constu Archena, SL, for an amount of 21,289.05 euros. Approval of the certification number 1 of the works of replacement of sanitation and drinking water services in various streets of the El Sifón neighborhood (northwest zone), incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to the socio-labor insertion of unemployed people, corresponding to works of the Supply and Sanitation Canon 2020, to the company Construcciones Urdecón, SA, for an amount of 106,510.48 euros. Approval of the certification number 3 of the repair works of Avenida de la Industria (formerly CN-301) and Calle Panamá, in the Polígono Industrial La Serreta, due to landslides and detachment of slopes, due to damages caused by DANA on days September 9-16, 2019, to the company JT Obras Públicas y Servicios, SL, for an amount of 43,559.41 euros. Approval of the certification number 4 of the repair works of Avenida de la Industria (old CN-301) and Calle Panamá, in the Polígono Industrial La Serreta, due to landslides and slopes detachment, due to damages caused by DANA on the days September 9-16, 2019, to the company JT Obras Públicas y Servicios, SL, for the amount of 16,888.2 euros. LOCAL PARTIES Approval of the transfer of the property located in the Plaza de la Región Murciana (corner with Calle Mayor), n ° 6, for the exhibition of the Municipal Nativity Scene. Approval of the awarding of a minor private contract for the exhibition of Nativity scenes Navidad de Tinta y Pergamino Murcian nativity scenes, from December 19, 2020 to January 6, 2021, to the Parish of Our Lady of the Assumption, for an amount of 6,700 euros. CULTURE Approval of the nominative grant agreement of 6,000 euros from the Molina de Segura City Council to the Villa de Molina Young Interpreters Contest Federation (BATUTA Virginia Association, Promúsica de Molina, the Molina Music Band, the Hims Mola Municipal Polyphonic Choir, the Orquesta de Hims Mola Chamber, and also the Professional Conservatory of Music Maestro Jaime López). YOUTH Approval of the granting of grants included in the Molina de Segura City Council's call for grants on Youth matters for the year 2020: to the Molina de Segura Role Association, amounting to 1,830 euros; and to the Murcian Association Against School Harassment (AMURCAE), for an amount of 1,170 euros. PUBLIC BUILDINGS Aprobación de la adjudicación de contrato menor de suministro de 40 dispensadores de gel higienizante sin contacto accionado mediante pedal para garrafa de 5 litros con serigrafía del cliente sin cargo para distribuirlos por las dependencias municipales para ayudar en la desinfección (medidas COVID-19), a Vidal Hernández, Guillermo José, por un importe de 7.647,20 euros. RECURSOS HUMANOS Aprobación de corrección de error en las bases específicas y convocatoria para la provisión de una plaza de técnico de inserción laboral por el sistema de concurso-oposición libre en el marco de consolidación de empleo temporal. Aprobación de nuevas bases rectificadas específicas para la provisión, mediante concurso-oposición libre, de siete plazas de operario de la plantilla de personal laboral fijo del Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura, en el marco del proceso extraordinario de estabilización de empleo temporal.
Se deja sin efecto el acuerdo de la Junta de Gobierno Local del día 29 octubre de 2020. EDUCACIÓN Aprobación de la adjudicación de contrato menor de suministro de purificadores de aire para las escuelas infantiles de titularidad municipal y la Escuela Municipal y Conservatorio Profesional de Música, a la empresa Electro Frio Lorca, SL, por un importe de 12.851,41 euros. VÍA PÚBLICA Aprobación de la adjudicación de contrato menor de las obras de mejora de la seguridad vial en el entorno del Colegio San Pablo CEU, a la empresa Talleres y Conducciones Juanito, SL, por un importe de 9.980,27 euros. Aprobación del convenio de colaboración entre el Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura y el Ayuntamiento de Alguazas para el arreglo del puente de Alguazas sobre el Río Segura.
La inversión total estimada será la suma de la valoración de la memoria valorada redactada por los técnicos municipales, que asciende a 349.996,49 euros, junto con los trabajos previos necesarios: el estudio geotécnico, por importe 4.962,21 euros; y la redacción del proyecto, por importe de 15.730 euros.
En total, supone un coste de 370.688,70 euros.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura