| This is the second course on prevention of occupational risks in construction that is launched by the Department of Policies for Training and Labor Insertion, from 23 to 27 November | To continue improving training and the possibilities of access to employment for unemployed people, the Department of Policies for Training and Labor Insertion of the Molina de Segura City Council, through the Social and Labor Insertion Exchange, has scheduled a new edition of the course to obtain the Professional Construction Card. It is an approved course, which is certified to be able to work in the sector, known as the TPC or construction PRL course, from which 15 people registered in the Social and Labor Insertion Exchange can benefit.
The course, which will take place between November 23 and 27, is free for people from the Social and Labor Insertion Exchange and lasts 20 hours. The Councilor for Policies for Training and Labor Insertion, Eliseo García Cantó, points out that "from the Department we are going to continue offering alternatives and possibilities to people registered in the Social and Labor Insertion Exchange to support their incorporation into the labor market, at this time of Difficulty for many people in our municipality.
Having this approved and certified training is a requirement that we make available to these unemployed people.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura