| As of yesterday, Wednesday, November 18, Molina de Segura has 136 active cases of COVID-19, with a cumulative incidence in the last 7 days of 126.6 cases | The Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero Mira, presented at a press conference, today Thursday, November 19, in the Municipal Plenary Hall, updated data on the incidence of the COVID-19 pandemic in the municipality, as well as details on the research project to improve communication to the public about COVID-19 and associated mitigation measures, a study that will be carried out in collaboration with the Chair of Security, Emergency and Disasters of the University of Malaga. He has been accompanied in the presentation, from Malaga, by video, the Director of the Chair, Jesús Miranda Páez, and, in this Plenary Hall, Juan Francisco Zapata, from the Federation of Inter-neighborhood Neighborhood Associations, who will be the organization in charge of bringing carried out field work.
The Councilor for Sports and Health, Miguel Ángel Cantero García, also attended. "The evolution of the pandemic in Molina de Segura during the last week - the Mayor said - leads us to think that the contact curve has been stabilized and even that it is clearly declining". As of yesterday, Wednesday, November 18, Molina de Segura has a total of 136 active cases, 113 less than last Thursday, November 12, with a cumulative incidence in the last 7 days of 126.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
In one week in Molina de Segura the Accumulated Incidence per 100,000 inhabitants has gone from 261.5 to 126.6, a cut of almost 135 cases. So far in this second wave, the accumulated number of cases is 2,362.
The increase, from last Thursday to Wednesday, has been 92 PCR positive, which means an average of 13 daily cases.
The previous week that daily average was 23 cases and two weeks ago 41. The decrease has also been quite significant in the Accumulated Incidence in fourteen days.
Last Wednesday the municipality was at 662.1 per 100,000 inhabitants; yesterday that figure was 390.9, that is to say 271.2 less, well below the barrier of 500 cases. Since last November 10, rapid antigen tests began to be carried out in the health centers of Molina de Segura as a rapid diagnostic test together with the PCR, with results on the same day.
In one week, until last Tuesday, November 17, a total of 302 tests with a positive result were carried out in 24 patients, representing 7.9%. According to Esther Clavero, "the collective effort of the vast majority of Molinense society is bearing fruit.
For this reason, I wish to publicly acknowledge the civility and sacrifice of our neighbors, who are renouncing to maintain personal contact between family members, friends and coworkers.
Citizenship and sacrifice that translates into fewer meetings, trying to keep a safe distance and removing the mask only and exclusively when necessary.
Thank you for understanding that only in this way can we stop the spread of the virus, and Thank you also for understanding that we should not relax because the indicators start to be positive, because with the slightest carelessness the curve can rise again.that is why the commitment must be joint to get back to normality in our lives ". "We must be vigilant, continues the Mayor - in the face of the saturation that still remains in our primary care centers and intensive care units, whose professionals show us their capacity for work and spirit of dedication every day.
Health personnel need, not only from our understanding, but also from the corresponding support of the public authorities Primary Care is suffering, because in this second wave of the pandemic it has been overloaded with tasks that are not properly its own and that make citizens suffer delays in medical appointments and difficulties in accessing health centers ". "This is a propitious moment for the urgent creation of structural positions that consolidate primary care by having funds from the Government of Spain and the European Union in unprecedented amounts, financing that should make possible the strengthening of the public health system" . The negative part of this balance continues to be one more week in the number of deaths.
During this second wave in Molina de Segura, 39 people have lost their lives as a result of the coronavirus.
"In this last week there have been 10 residents of our town who have left us.
The pain caused by their departure continues to be unacceptable for our society," Clavero laments.
"We cannot and must not give a natural letter to something so heartbreaking and traumatic.
My condolences go here to the family and friends of the people who have died as a result of this disease." Tomorrow, Friday, the regional order that forced bars and restaurants to lower their blinds for a period of 14 days expires.
"The positive evolution of the pandemic makes us welcome the reopening of these establishments in Molina de Segura, albeit maintaining certain restrictions.
He trusted that the COVID Monitoring Committee of the Region of Murcia, always keeping epidemiological criteria in mind, can see it thus in their meeting tomorrow and in this way give a break to the professionals of the sector with whom I have held several meetings in recent days to express the institutional and financial support of the City Council ". In this sense, the Municipal Business Office has registered more than two hundred requests from merchants and hoteliers to benefit from the Dynamization Plan of the Molinense City Council, a municipal action, which is endowed with 200,000 euros, intended to compensate small entrepreneurs for expenses derived from the pandemic, rental aid and creation of new companies, among other criteria. In addition, Esther Clavero has advanced that "we are already working on a second Contingency Plan for next year, in which special attention will be paid to our hospitality industry, a sector that this pandemic punishes especially, despite the fact that its professionals have followed since the principle all the norms and security measures established by the health authorities.
The closure of bars and restaurants has been a harsh measure that requires a compensation in the form of aid; instead, from the regional administration, we have encountered more improvisation and insufficient policies.
" "From the City Council of Molina de Segura we are going to continue working and we will not leave anyone behind; this is our commitment to citizens.
Together and with loyalty we will overcome this crisis and its devastating effects," says the Mayor. Regarding the research work to improve communication to the public about COVID-19 and associated mitigation measures, a study that the Molina de Segura City Council will carry out in collaboration with the Department of Security, Emergency and Catastrophes of At the University of Malaga, the professor in charge of the Chair, Jesús Miranda Páez, explained that "this study will serve to determine the way in which information reaches the population, how it can be improved, what are the attitudes that citizens maintain in view of the measures proposed by the health authorities and how to enforce those measures, seeking the complicity of neighbors ". The research work, awarded a few days ago by the Local Government Board to the Chair of Security, Emergencies and Catastrophes of the University of Malaga, for an amount of 18,150 euros, will allow to make an assessment of the appreciation of risk, the citizen's attitude given the information and possible gaps that may exist in the understanding of the measures, all with the ultimate goal of improving the communication process of the administration with the public and vice versa. The ultimate goal is to have, from a scientific and technical point of view, a tool that allows the fight against the epidemic to be much more effective.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura