| The City Council has approved a list of invoices for a total amount of 417,324 , 55 euros | The First Deputy Mayor and Spokesperson for the Local Government Board of the Molina de Segura City Council, Ángel Navarro García, has reported on the agreements adopted in the two meetings of the Local Government Board, one of an ordinary nature and another public session and extraordinary, held today Thursday, November 12, by telematic means through videoconference.
In the public and extraordinary session, a file was approved for the extension of the contract for the authorization of the public domain for the concession of the operation, installation, maintenance and supply of vending machines for hot drinks, cold drinks and solid products, in sports facilities and buildings of the Molina de Segura City Council, from November 13, 2020 to November 12, 2021, awarded to the company Semagar Vending, SL. And in the ordinary session, the following agreements have been approved: TOWN PLANNING 2 urban planning license files, 3 subsidiary enforcement files and 6 sanctioning files for urban infringement have been approved. Approval of the file for the direct acquisition of real estate by purchase for the execution of the EDUSI project for the pedestrian and cyclotourism connection of the urban center of Molina de Segura with the vegetable garden and the Northwest Greenway (Eurovelo-8).
The procedure for the direct acquisition of the property begins and it is approved to draft the technical specifications that must govern the contract and initiate the award procedure. ESTATE Approval of a list of COVID-19 Emergency invoices, for an amount of 25,297.08 euros. Approval of a list of SERCOMOSA invoices, for the amount of 286,221.05 euros. Approval of a list of invoices, basic requirements, amounting to 6,710.52 euros. Approval of a list of invoices from the City Council, amounting to 417,324.55 euros. CONTRACTING Approval of the case for dismissal of the appeal for reconsideration formulated by Nueva Codimasa, SL, against the contract for the management works of the QS2 Zone in El Tapiado for the Municipal Fairgrounds, 4th action, for street planning, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature related to the social and labor insertion of unemployed people.
Appeal against agreement of the Local Government Board of August 7, 2020, by which the contract is resolved, is dismissed. Approval of the file for the rejection of the request for cancellation of the indirect management fee, under the concession modality, of the service of the municipally owned premises, located in the Casa de la Maita building, in the Barrio del Castillo, intended for a cafeteria bar. Approval of the refund of the guarantee of the artistic lighting service of certain streets, squares, neighborhoods, districts and urbanizations, Patron Saint Festivities and Christmas in the municipality of Molina de Segura, to the company Destello Lighting Decoration, SL, for an amount of 3,979 euros. Approval of the return of the guarantee of the traffic light maintenance service in the municipality of Molina de Segura, including special execution conditions of an environmental, social or innovation-related nature, to the company Murciana de Traffic, SA, for the amount of 1,200 ,50 euros. Approval of the start of the file for contracting the supply of clothing and accessories for the Local Police of Molina de Segura 2020, incorporating special environmental and social execution conditions, with an expenditure for 2020 of: Lot 1, 37,510 euros, and Lot 2 , 12,463 euros. Approval of certification number 9 of the rehabilitation works of the Social Center of La Torrealta (Antiguas Escuelas), framed in the Molina 2020 Avanza Contigo Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development Strategy, co-financed 80% by the European Regional Development Fund ( ERDF), through the Pluriregional Operational Program of Spain 2014-2020, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature related to the socio-labor insertion of unemployed people, to the company Constu Archena, SL, for an amount of 28,094.64 euros. Approval of certification number 5, liquidation of the replacement works of the existing bridge over the Vía Verde, connection between Barrio La Brancha and Barrio Casas de García, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature related to the socio-labor insertion of unemployed people, to the company Talleres y Conducciones Juanito, SL, for an amount of 22,936.99 euros. SOCIAL WELFARE Approval of spending of 30,000 euros and 2020 agreement between the Molina de Segura City Council and the Molina de Segura Immigration Platform for the Immigrant Attention and Information Office project.
Integral Intercultural Space. Approval of the 2020 agreement between the Molina de Segura City Council and the Association for Active and Healthy Aging for the development of the Active and Healthy Aging Project.
Modification of the content of the program is authorized.
Due to the closure of the centers and groups of the elderly in the municipality derived from the health crisis caused by COVID-19, it is requested that changes of places and dates be taken into account in the delivery of workshops and activities referred to in the description of the project presented, since it has been considered to resort to technological means as a channel to achieve the objectives that are proposed. CULTURE Aprobación de la adjudicación de contrato menor del espectáculo Señor Ruiseñor, de la compañía Els Joglars, para su representación en el Teatro Villa de Molina, a la empresa Imagen y Semejanza, SL, por un importe de 8.000,52 euros. EDUCACIÓN Aprobación de convenio 2020 de subvención nominativa de 5.500 euros del Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura a la Asociación ADAHÍ para la ayuda a personas afectadas por TDAH. COOPERACIÓN AL DESARROLLO Aprobación de bases específicas reguladoras de la convocatoria de subvenciones a proyectos de cooperación internacional para el desarrollo.
Se autoriza el gasto de 107.350 euros. DEPORTE Y SALUD Aprobación de la adjudicación de contrato menor del servicio de estudio para el asesoramiento en la mejora de la comunicación relativa a la COVID-19 y medidas de mitigación asociadas, a la Cátedra de Seguridad, Emergencias y Catástrofes de la Universidad de Málaga, por un importe de 18.150 euros. PROMOCIÓN Y ESTRATEGIA ECONÓMICA Aprobación de convenio 2020 de subvención nominativa de 5.000 euros del Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura a la Universidad de Murcia y la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena para la renovación de la Cátedra Interuniversitaria para la Innovación y la Participación.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura