On the occasion of the celebration of World Diabetes Day (November 14), next Saturday November 14 will be held the First Retina Molina de Segura Conference on "Diabetes and diabetic retinopathy", co-organized by the RETIMUR association, the Molina City Council de Segura and the Hospital de Molina. During the Conference, Dr.
Luis Alberto Ceruto Santander, Doctor of the Emergency Service of the Hospital de Molina, and Dr.
Jerónimo Lajara Blesa, Ophthalmologist of the Hospital de Molina will speak. Ceruto Santander will explain that we all need sugar to be alive, but diabetes consists of having more than we can use: "A diabetic has difficulties using the sugar that enters his body because he lacks a substance called Insulin, produced in the pancreas and who has the sugar available for use.
Excess sugar creates a host of health problems that produce progressive damage if left unchecked.
And this control depends on a group of factors, including both medications and other very important measures.
prevention and intervention on time.
Every diabetic should know more than to give himself an injection or take a pill ". For her part, Lajara Blesa will focus her intervention on diabetic retinopathy.
A disease that currently affects almost 15% of people in Spain and that occurs in people who suffer from type 1 or type 2 diabetes when blood sugar levels remain high and uncontrolled for periods of time.
Lajara Blesa warns that "gradual loss of vision, poor night vision or trouble distinguishing colors are some of the symptoms of this disease, which can be prevented: Going to the ophthalmologist regularly for vision exams Controlling blood sugar levels and blood pressure Eating a healthy diet And practicing moderate and constant physical activity ". Diabetes is a disease that can be controlled and treated to prevent complications.
The Medical Director of the Hospital de Molina, Dr.
Eduardo Rodríguez de la Vega Espinosa, recommends that diabetic patients "control their body weight, practice moderate physical exercise, maintain an adequate diet, attend regularly to consultations to control their disease, maintain hygiene and check your feet daily, and visit the ophthalmologist regularly.
" In the case of Type 2 Diabetes, considered the "disease of civilization", Dr.
Rodríguez de la Vega focuses on the prevention of risk factors related to this disease: "Control weight to avoid obesity or overweight, reduce fat in the diet, avoid a sedentary lifestyle by doing physical exercise at least three times a week and not smoking ". The I Retina Molina de Segura Conference will be held online, from 12:00 to 13:00, and registrations must be made through the following link https://www.retimur.org/84-retimur/actividades- y-events.html.
Source: Hospital de Molina