| The deputy regrets that there is no allusion to the Molina Palace of Justice, "one of the infrastructures of Justice pending execution in the Region and reflected in the Regional Justice Pact and in the annual report of the Supreme Court "| Borrego: "It is not understood that the PGE do not reflect the VAT reduction to 4 percent, so essential at the moment" Alonso: "The local government of Molina de Segura is a faithful reflection of its national counterpart, since they falsify data, raise taxes, remove bonuses and our city's deficit increases day by day" The PP deputy, Isabel Borrego, has said that "in the General State Budgets there are no strategic investments in Molina de Segura, they only reflect tax increases on residents." Borrego, who has had a working meeting with the PP spokesman in Molina de Segura, José Ángel Alfonso, has indicated that "it is unheard of that there is no mention of the Molina Palace of Justice, one of the Justice infrastructures pending execution in the Region and that have been collected and required in the Regional Justice Pact and in the annual report of the Supreme Court ". For the deputy it is "inadmissible that the Government of Sánchez-Iglesias condemns the Region to be the one with the least growth in investment, condemning it to the tail" and has ensured that the PGE "are not what the Region or Spain needs because the accounts show more spending, more deficit, more debt and more unemployment "at the key moment and represent a" lost opportunity, when they should be the lever to boost the regional economy.
" The deputy has said that the "PSOE and Podemos behave the same in all the institutions in which they govern, as is reflected in Molina de Segura", so "it is not understood that the PGE do not reflect the reduction in VAT to the sector 4 percent hotelier, so essential right now ".
"While we see that President López Miras is taking exemplary measures such as the rescue plan for the hotel industry, the Sánchez Government leaves them behind and denies the reduction of this tax," the 'popular' deputy has warned. Borrego has stressed that the PGE are born "doped" because they reflect European funds that have not yet arrived and "are subject to a reform program that we do not know if the Sánchez Government is capable of doing." In this sense, he has said that these budgets "are Spain's farewell to economic recovery and job creation, so the PP has presented an amendment to the totality that raises a reformist impulse with lower taxes that modernize our competitiveness and rebuild the industrial and productive fabric of the Region of Murcia ". For his part, the president and spokesman of the PP of Molina de Segura, José Ángel Alfonso, has said that "the General Budgets presented by the Government of Pedro Sánchez are false, since their income and expenses have been manipulated and made to measure to justify the unjustifiable ", to which he added that" this statement is not mine, but there are statements from the Governor of the Bank of Spain in this regard.
In his opinion, "the European Union has been much tougher in predicting that Spain, in the next three years, will lead the unemployment figures and the fall in GDP of European countries." On the other hand, it has affected that "the budgets are diametrically opposed to those of the rest of the European Union countries, which generally foresee a reduction in taxes and a decrease in the tax burden on taxpayers, that is, Spaniards go to pay more taxes in the year that we will have less income ". In addition, in the meeting in which the national deputy, Juan Luís Pedreño, the senator, Juan María Vázquez, the senator, Violante Tomás and the regional deputy, Ramón Sánchez Parra, the leader of the PP in Molina de Segura has also participated that "the local government of Molina de Segura is a faithful reflection of its national counterpart, since they falsify data, raise taxes, remove bonuses and the deficit of our city increases day by day."
Source: PP Molina de Segura