| The play, Fetén 2020 Award for Best Interpretation, will be performed at 6:00 p.m., within the 19th International Puppet Theater Festival of the Region of Murcia TíteresMurcia | The Teatro Paraíso company (Basque Country) presents the show ÚNIKO, Fetén 2020 Award for Best Performance, on Saturday, November 7, at 6:00 p.m., at the Villa de Molina Theater (in Avenida del Chorrico, n ° 10), within the 19th International Puppet Theater Festival of the Region of Murcia TíteresMurcia.
The ticket price is 6 euros (due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, this season you can also enjoy the shows from home through the VIRTUAL ARMCHAIR, in this case, as it is children's programming, it is free, with invitation code). Paul is an only child and the king of his house.
The birth of his sister Irati will cause an intimate fear of ceasing to be loved to take hold of him, threatening family stability. Úniko is a show that aims to be a reflection of what jealousy over the birth of a brother can cause in a child and in his environment.
Mixing the techniques of the puppet and the most realistic theater, the disturbing theme of jealousy is raised, looking at them in all its rawness, although without ever losing the sense of humor. A show to reflect on topics such as coexistence, education, self-esteem, sadness or attachment.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura