| As of yesterday, Monday, October 26, Molina de Segura is in the position 24 incidence among the 45 municipalities of the Region of Murcia | The Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero Mira, presented at a press conference, today, Tuesday, October 27, in the Municipal Plenary Hall, updated data on the incidence of the COVID-19 pandemic in the municipality.
Precisely this morning, through videoconference, a new meeting of the Municipal COVID-19 Monitoring Committee took place in Molina de Segura, chaired by the Mayor of Molinense.
Constituted on March 10 with the aim of coordinating and articulating the actions of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health of the Region of Murcia against the coronavirus in the municipality, it was reactivated on September 3.The Committee has evaluated the evolution of the pandemic in the municipality and the attendees have agreed on the need to continue the work of communication and citizen awareness to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Esther Clavero has announced that in the coming weeks a Comprehensive Communication Plan for COVID-19 will be launched in Molina de Segura, prepared in close collaboration with the Department of Security of the University of Malaga. In her appearance before the media, the Mayor began her speech by stating that "the new measures agreed this weekend by the governments of Spain and Murcia, as well as the increase in COVID cases in recent days in our town, They advised us to bring this informative meeting, which we regularly hold on Thursdays, to Tuesday.
The situation continues to be critical and the need to remain united in the fight against the pandemic is absolutely necessary.
If we are not strict in the use of the mask, in compliance with the safety distance and sanitary hygiene measures, we will be feeding the breeding ground of the pandemic, and with it, hindering our sanitary, economic and social recovery.
We know how to prevent the virus from spreading,Let's be smarter than him and clip his wings.
" As of yesterday, Monday, October 26, Molina de Segura has a total of 349 active cases, 41 more than last Thursday, with a cumulative incidence in the last 7 days of 360.3 cases.
These indices place the municipality in the 24th place of incidence among the 45 municipalities of the Region, "a figure that highlights the high level of incidence in the Region, where the average is located at 333.8 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish a speedy recovery to all those affected, "says the Mayor. The Accumulated Incidence in the last two weeks stands at 699.7 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, that is, about 12 times above the 60 cases per 100,000 inhabitants that are established as the high-risk threshold according to the European Center for the Disease Prevention and Control. So far in this second wave of the pandemic, Molina de Segura has accumulated a total of 1,703 positive PCRs.
The increase from Saturday to Monday was 120 PCR positive.
The deceased so far in this second wave of the pandemic are 13, which is 3 more than the Mayor reported in her last appearance, last Thursday.
They are two men, 93 and 73 years old, and an 89 year old woman.
"I want to convey my condolences to the families of these three people." "This City Council explains Clavero- it is strongly committed to the citizens of Moline and therefore we will not tire of asking the Regional Government to strengthen our public health system, especially primary care.
Health centers must have the necessary health personnel; doctors , nurses and social workers, a group that today has come out to vindicate their rights and that this City Council defends and supports.
street, at least a hundred more than those that exist today.
We from the Molinense City Council, in an exercise of responsibility and solidarity,we have made 15 trackers available to the Murcian Health Service who are doing an invaluable job ". The Mayor has also asked "to enable residential alternatives to accommodate those who need it, taking advantage of this in hostels and hotels with low occupancy and the provision of emergency facilities near hospitals, with hospital resources, in anticipation of collapse.
of health centers ". On the municipal website www.molinadesegura.es and on the municipal social networks, the Weekly Evolution Report prepared by the Municipal Scientific Technical Committee is now available, a comprehensive document that contains all the updated data regarding the municipality.
This report reflects one more week that the number of cases continues to be very high in the South Health Zone, with an Accumulated Incidence per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days of 989.6 cases.
In the North Health Zone this Accumulated Incidence is 622.6 cases and in the East Health Zone 504.3. Esther Clavero concluded by stating that "we must work on prevention and forecasting.
The evolution of the pandemic will depend on our current behavior.
It is in our hands, as a society and as individuals, to get out before this health crisis.
I will do it again.
a call for unity, responsibility and common sense.
We cannot waste time.
Every day that passes without cutting the number of cases plays against us.
It is about saving the most valuable thing we have, life.
That must prevail before any other consideration ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura