| As of yesterday, Wednesday, October 7, Molina de Segura is located in position 14 of incidence among the 45 municipalities of the Region of Murcia | The Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero Mira, presented at a press conference, today Thursday, October 8, in the Municipal Plenary Hall, updated data on the incidence of the COVID-19 pandemic in the municipality. As of yesterday, Wednesday, October 7, and awaiting the data update throughout today, Thursday, Molina de Segura has a total of 224 active cases, with a cumulative incidence in the last 7 days of 196.1 cases, 75 less than a week ago.
These indices place the municipality in the 14th place of incidence among the 45 municipalities of the Region.
"A week ago we were in 12th place, a slight decrease that should not make us lower our guard because the accumulated incidence in the last two weeks has reached a total of 484.1 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, only 5.5 cases less than last Thursday, "warns the Mayor. So far this second wave of the pandemic, Molina de Segura accumulates a total of 1,055 positive PCRs and the number of deceased residents of the municipality is 7, two more than last Thursday, after the Mayor's last appearance. "Although I have already sent my condolences to the families of these last two victims, I wish to take advantage of this appearance to convey once again, both to them and to the rest, my love and support in these always difficult times.
We must keep their memory in mind and be the encourage us to keep preventive measures against the disease.
" On the municipal website www.molinadesegura.es and on the municipal social networks, the Weekly Evolution Report prepared by the Scientific Technical Committee is already available, with the necessary data to get an idea of ??the situation of the pandemic in Molina de Segura.
Thus, the number of cases remains very high in the Molina Sur area, with an Accumulated Incidence per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days of 902.1 cases and in the Molina Norte area, with 536.2.
In the Molina Este area, this incidence is 113.6. Another data to take into account is related to the age groups of the infected people.
In the two weeks from September 21 to October 4, 342 cases were registered.
31% are between 15 and 34 years old and 29.5% were among people between 35 and 49 years old.
20.6 among people aged 50 to 69 years.
Among those over 69 years of age, only 3.2% were registered, and among those under 15, 15.6%. "I have to highlight here the important work that the 15 municipal COVID technicians continue to carry out.
Their work is actively contributing to carry out a complete follow-up and tracing of the contacts of the cases that are being registered.
My congratulations go here to this group of municipal workers and my request to the contacts of these people to strictly comply with the isolation quarantine they must undergo.
I know it is difficult and it ends up being long and tedious, but it is the only way to prevent the virus from making its way further.
" The Mayor has reported that, this week, "we have held a meeting by videoconference with four of the members of the Security Chair of the University of Malaga, with which we are working, as I mentioned last Thursday, in the realization of a geolocation map, which will help us to know the areas most affected by coronavirus ". In this map all the information available on active cases and their contacts will be dumped, something that will help us to know at all times in which neighborhoods, districts, urbanizations and even streets there is a greater concentration of infected people, to be able to know the reason for these infections and thus implement strategic measures aimed at preventing the spread of viruses. In addition, yesterday Wednesday, the Mayor chaired, together with the Government Delegate in the Region of Murcia, José Vélez, the Local Board of Citizen Security, in which, among other issues, the situation in the municipality as a result of COVID was addressed -19.
At the meeting, it was reported that the Local Police, since the beginning of the pandemic, has processed a total of 470 complaints for breach of the COVID regulations, of which: - 310 are for not using the mask. - 119 for drinking on public roads. - 13 for meetings of more than six people. - 9 for smoking without keeping the established safety distance. - 7 for exceeding the local closing time. - 4 for not keeping the quarantine. - 4 for excess occupancy in the vehicle. - and 4 for parties without respecting security measures. Also present at the meeting was the General Director of Public Health, José Carlos Vicente, with whom, together with our municipal technicians, the evolution of the pandemic in the municipality was analyzed. In addition, the Government Delegation in the Region of Murcia has delivered this week a total of 18,000 protective masks to the municipality, of which 6,000 are being distributed among the teaching staff of 35 educational centers in the municipality.
The rest will be distributed between Local Police, Civil Protection and other municipal services in order to cover the needs that may arise. The Mayor explained that, for three weeks, the municipal government team has been working on the special device for All Saints' Day, around November 1.
For this, an interdisciplinary commission of all the councils involved has been created, with the aim of controlling as much as possible the visit to cemeteries and ensuring that the established capacity is met. "The intention is that this year is not just one day, but that it be All Saints' Days, to avoid crowds and unnecessary contacts, respecting traditions and customs, but adapting to the health crisis that we are experiencing.
It is imperative to reduce traffic of people before the arrival of the cold and the coexistence of the coronavirus with other diseases typical of the winter season that is coming.
From the City Council we have activated the 2020 flu campaign so that all municipal staff who wish to can be vaccinated against this disease In addition, we have established a system of bubbles between departments, promoting teleworking, with the aim that municipal services can be provided with absolute normality. Clavero recalled that "the activity of this City Council, in every way, is a clear example of our commitment to the citizens of Moline.
The pandemic is not supposing at any time a brake on the necessary involvement that, as a closer administration, must exist at all times.
Therefore, and complying with the strictest hygiene and sanitary safety standards, we continue to provide municipal services, even increasing the hours of those who require it and adapting to the situation those that cannot be provided in person " . "Nuestro municipio destaca por su gran activismo social y cultural, porque la vida no se detiene.
Pero los ayuntamientos necesitamos una comunicación fluida y constante con la Comunidad Autónoma, administración en la que recae el mando único de esta crisis desde que se levantó el estado de alarma.
Ahora, como antes, esa relación sigue siendo fundamental, por lo que pido desde aquí a nuestro presidente regional que no se olvide de los municipios y asuma las responsabilidades que le corresponden en esta segunda oleada de la pandemia, en la que, ahora sí, tiene todas las competencias.
Seguimos demandando el estudio epidemiológico que avale la apertura de las aulas de conciliación y que se materialice lo antes posible el decreto regional que habilita una línea de subvenciones con los que sufragar los gastos extraordinarios en materia de limpieza de los centros de Educación Infantil y Primaria que estamos asumiendo desde el Ayuntamiento". La Alcaldesa ha concluido insistiendo en que "el mensaje no puede ser otro que el de mantenernos firmes, ser responsables y respetar al máximo las medidas de seguridad que recomiendan todas las autoridades sanitarias.
La vacuna más pronto que tarde llegará, igual que también lo hará un tratamiento sanitario capaz de reducir la incidencia de la enfermedad, pero mientras todo eso se produce, solo nos queda seguir siendo pacientes y no distraernos".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura