The Hospital de Molina has just incorporated into its portfolio of services the performance of rapid antigen tests for the detection of infection / asymptomatic carriers by COVID19. A test that, as explained by the Head of the Hospital Pharmacy Service of the Hospital Center, Dr.
Francisco López Guerrero, "is performed through a nasopharyngeal exudate, which is subjected to a reagent, deposited in a kit that offers the result between 15 and 20 minutes.
The test measures the antigen, that is, the presence of the virus; in no case does it measure the antibodies as in the rest of the rapid tests.
Furthermore, it does not have cross-reactions with other viruses.
" For the Medical Director of the Hospital de Molina, Dr.
Eduardo Rodríguez-de la Vega Espinosa, "having a test whose result is available in less than 20 minutes, and with a high sensitivity (93.3%) and specificity ( 99.4%), is a great advance in terms of speed in detection and, therefore, in the prevention of other possible patients, by also saving time in isolation, identification, etc.
To which must be added the savings in cost (equipment, personnel, reagents, etc.) compared to PCR ". In addition, Dr.
Rodríguez-de la Vega Espinosa points out the usefulness of rapid antigen tests at the Hospital Emergency door, since "upon the arrival of several patients with the possibility, due to symptoms, of having a coronavirus infection , the speed of this test contributes a lot to the prevention of the spread of the virus to other patients who are also users of the same emergency room door ". In addition to antigen tests, Hospital de Molina has long had the rest of the Covid-19 detection tests: PCR, rapid test for IgG and IgM antibodies, total antibody test, quantitative serological test and IgG antibody test total.
Source: Hospital de Molina