| The City Council has approved a list of invoices for a total amount of 143,043.28 euros | The First Deputy Mayor and Speaker of the Local Government Board of the Molina de Segura City Council, Ángel Navarro García, has reported on the agreements adopted at the last meeting of the Local Government Board, of an ordinary nature, held today Thursday, 1 October, telematically via videoconference.
In it, the granting of subsidies to promote the initiative of neighborhood associations in neighborhoods, districts and urbanizations, corresponding to the 2020 call, has been approved, as well as a list of City Council bills, amounting to 143,043.28 euros. TOWN PLANNING 2 urban planning license files and 2 sanctioning files for urban infringement have been approved. ESTATE Approval of a list of City Council invoices, amounting to 143,043.28 euros. Approval of a list of SERCOMOSA invoices, amounting to 382,597.62 euros. CONTRACTING Approval of the increase in spending for the improvement of pavements and road safety in Calle García Lorca, in the district of La Torrealta, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to the socio-labor insertion of unemployed people, for an amount of 11,603, 83 euros (representing an increase of 9.984% in the budget for the award to the company Isetec, Servicios Integrales). Approval of the start of the contract file for the corporate email service in the cloud of the Molina de Segura City Council, with a total expenditure of 113,570.60 euros. Approval of the Health and Safety Plan for the works to replace sanitation and drinking water services in various streets of B ° El Sifón (northwest zone), incorporating special conditions of social execution related to the socio-labor insertion of unemployed people , works corresponding to the 2020 Supply and Sanitation Canon. Approval of certification number 7 and liquidation of the renovation and improvement works of the water supply service for human consumption and the sewerage network in Barrio de Fátima, Calle Agricultor and adjacent streets, Alicante, Luchador and Martín Lutero King, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature relating to the socio-labor insertion of unemployed people (Canon Supply and Sanitation works), to the company Construcciones Urdecon, SA, for an amount of 62,180.13 euros. Approval of certification number 3 of the works for the provision of shading sails in various parks and gardens in the municipality of Molina de Segura, incorporating special conditions of execution of a social nature related to the socio-labor insertion of unemployed people, to the company Forum San Patricio, SA, for an amount of 31,167.41 euros. Approval of the certification number 1 of the repair works of Avenida de la Industria (old CN-301) and Calle Panamá, in the Polígono Industrial La Serreta, due to landslides and slopes detachment, due to damages caused by DANA on days September 9-16, 2019, to the company JT Obras Públicas y Servicios, SL, for an amount of 47,151.75 euros. PUBLIC BUILDINGS Approval of the award of a minor contract for valued memory works for repairs to the roof of the Local Police building, to the company Mantenimiento Integrales Gómez, SL, for an amount of 19,904.50 euros. PUBLIC ROAD Approval of the award of a minor contract for works to improve accessibility and road safety on Avenida de las Eras, in the district of El Llano de Molina, to the company Talleres y Conducciones Juanito, for an amount of 6,821.98 euros. HERITAGE Approval of 7 files of rejection of claim of patrimonial responsibility. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Approval of the granting of subsidies to promote the initiative of neighborhood associations in neighborhoods, districts and urbanizations, corresponding to the 2020 call. LIVING PLACE Approval of the 2020 agreement for a nominative grant of 35,000 euros from the Molina de Segura City Council to the Red Cross for economic benefits for housing rental. SOCIAL WELFARE Approval of expenditure of 39,000 euros and 2020 agreement between the City Council of Molina de Segura and the Red Cross Regional Assembly of Molina de Segura for aid of urgent need and aid and emergencies. HUMAN RESOURCES Approval of correction of error in the file of specific bases for the provision, through free competition, of 24 positions of general administrative assistant of the City of Molina de Segura, within the framework of the extraordinary process of stabilization of temporary employment.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura