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Business leaders from more than 100 countries pledge to support multilateralism in the framework of the 75th anniversary of the UN (22/09/2020)

| More than a thousand CEOs sign the Declaration in favor of renewed global cooperation and pledge to join in the business of a world best | 17% of the signatory companies are Spanish, placing Spain as the first country in CEOs adhering to the declaration.More than 1,000 company CEOs from more than 100 countries have demonstrated their support for the United Nations and inclusive multilateralism by signing an ambitious Declaration in favor of renewed global cooperation.The Declaration includes the signatures of some of the most important companies in the world along with hundreds of companies of all sizes and sectors that are adhered to theUnited Nations Global Compact, the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative.

At the national level, 183 of the signatory companies, 17% of the total, are Spanish, placing Spain as the first country in CEOs adhering to the declaration.

Among the signatory Spanish companies are 10 companies listed on the Ibex 35 and which represent a joint capitalization of 564.5 million euros.

These are: Acciona, ACS, BBVA, CaixaBank, Cellnex, Iberdrola, Inditex, Mapfre, Santander and Telefónica.The manifesto of support - including the full list of signing CEOs - has been presented to the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, by Sanda Ojiambo, executive director of the United Nations Global Compact, at the opening of the Private Sector Forum, a side event to the high-level meeting of the General Assembly to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the United Nations."The Declaration is a resounding act of support for inclusive multilateralism.

In unequivocal terms, it establishes that cooperation must cross borders, sectors and generations so that we can adapt to changing circumstances," said Sanda Ojiambo.

"In just one month since we launched the Declaration, we have managed to gather more than 1,000 signatures of CEOs from companies of all sizes and virtually every industry and region.

We deeply appreciate your commitment to global cooperation at a crucial time.

for the United Nations and for the world in general.

"The 75th anniversary of the United Nations comes at a time of unprecedented global disruption and transformation, a stark reminder that international cooperation must mobilize across borders, sectors and generations to adapt to changing circumstances.In the spirit of renewed global cooperation, public and private institutions must demonstrate that they are responsible, ethical, inclusive and transparent.The CEO-endorsed statement states that: "We entrepreneurs recognize that peace, justice, and strong institutions are beneficial to the long-term viability of our organizations and are critical to upholding the Ten Principles of the Global Compact on the United Nations and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Now is our opportunity to learn from our collective experiences to realign ourselves in accordance with the mission of the United Nations and lead our world towards a more equitable, inclusive and sustainable path.

together in this and we are united in the business of a better world.The Private Sector Forum is the first in a series of three events organized from September 21-23 by the United Nations Global Compact under the title Uniting Business LIVE.

These are held within the framework of the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly with the aim of promoting the Business Principles and the Sustainable Development Goals.The Declaration also supports the goals of SDG 16: peace, justice and strong institutions.

Aspects that are key for the future of business according to a study carried out between June and July through the Platform for Action of the United Nations Global Compact on SDG 16, which includes interviews with 60 high-level executives and whose conclusions reveal that, along with environmental and social issues, business leaders believe that good governance is at the core of good business.List of signatory companies in Spain:1A Ingenieros, A Puntadas Empresa Social, A2 Activities and Learning Paneque Catalan SC, A3Sec Grupo, ABANCA Corporación Bancaria SA, Abertis Infraestructuras, ABN Pipe Systems, SLU, Acciona SA, Actiu Berbegal y Formas, SA, Activity On Canarias ®, Adasa, Adiquimica SA, Adolfo Dominguez SA, Advance Soluciones, Aigües De Mataró, SA, Alain Afflelou Spain, Aleatica, Alhambra IT, Allfunds Bank SA, Last night I had a dream, Applitechgnosis, SL, Applus Services, SA, ARPA Mobile Campaign Equipment, Arteche Lantegi Elkartea SA (Grupo Arteche), Art Marketing SL, Aubay Spain, BAC Engineering Consultancy Group, Banca March, Barlovento Recursos Naturales, BBVA, Betaformacion SL, Bioazul SL, Bolster Trading SLU, Cabify, Mobility International, Cables de Comunicaciones Zaragoza SL, CaixaBank, Caja de Ingenieros,CANVAS Estrategias Sostenibles, CAVALA GAE, SL, Cecabank, Cellnex Telecom, Cementos Molins SA, Centro Especial Buelna, SL, Centro Regional de Servicios Avanzados, SA, Centros Deportivos beUp, CESCE SA, CESVA Instruments, SLU, CoHispania, SA, Contazara - Contadores De Agua De Zaragoza, SA, Copcisa Corp, COPSESA, Creartelia Comunicación, SLU, CTL-TH Packaging SLU, Design and Projects International (DAPIN), CA, DGH Robótica SA, DID AUTOMATION SL, DIFLEX SL, Dinserta Centro Especial Empleo, Disfrimur SL, DISME, Diversis Corporacion, DKV Seguros y Reaseguros SAE, Ebro Foods SA, Ecisa, Compañía General de Construcciones, SA, EHS Techniques, Eivar Obras E Ingenieria, SA, Elawan Energy SL, Elecnor Group, Elzaburu Emergencia 2000 SA, Emilio Esteban, SA, Empresa Nacional de Innovacion, SA (ENISA),Empresa para la Gestión de Residuos Industriales, SA, SME, MP (Emgrisa), EndeF, Engineering, Enusa Industrias Avanzadas SA, Equipos Nucleares SA, SME (ENSA), Europa Mundo Holidays SL, EXKAL, Fabregas Packaging SL, FCC Construcción SA, Filtros, Repuestos y Servicios, SL (FIRES), Flejes Especiales SL, Fruits De Ponent, Fuerte Group Hotels, Full Audit SA, Gestores Administrativos Reunidos SA, Gonvarri Corporacion Financiera, SL, GRI Renewable Industries, Grupo ACS, Grupo Copisa, Grupo Empresarial Gena, SL, Grupo Ezentis SA, GRUPO INTAF SL, Grupo Oesía, Grupo Profuego Seguridad, SL, Grupo Santander, Grupo VAPF, Hospital de Molina, Ibercaja Banco, SA, Iberdrola, Iberostar Group, ilitia technologies, Indaccess, SL, Inditex, Industrias Maxi, SA, Inoff communication SL, Iplan Gestion Integral SL, Irizar Group,Iso Expertise España SL, ISS Profesionalia, Ivemon Ambulancias Egara SL, Javierre, SL, Jose Maria Lazaro, SA TAISI, Jose Peña Lastra SA, Kaizen Automation, Laboratorio de Sistemas y Analisis SL, Last Mile Team, LAVER, Linares Abogados, Logifruit SL , Luca Soluciones en TIC, SL, Managing A Sustainable Business, SL, Manufactura Moderna de Metales, Mapfre, Margalejo Campo, SL, More Prevention, Prevention Service, SLU, May Business Consulting, Mecanicas Bolea SA, Mecanizados Acebrón, Sl, Mediaset España Comunicación SA, Metrica6, Models Belako, SLL, Nabrawind Technologies, Natra, Navantia, SA, Nechi Group, NEINVER, Nonwovens Ibérica SL, Nueva Pescanova, Oasis Urbano Medioambiente SLNE, OCA Hotels, OHL, OR Comunicación, PCG Print, Plain Concepts , Plan B Group, Plating Brap SA,Promotora de Informaciones SA (PRISA), R.

Belda Llorens, SA, RBH Global, REALSEC, Recuperación Materiales Diversos, SA (RMD), Red2Red Consultores, Reduce Destrucción Documental SL, Revenga Ingenieros SA, SA de Preformados Metalicos, Salpax SA, SanLucar Group, SIGRE Medicamento y Medio Ambiente, SL (SIGRE), Sodexo Iberia SA, Solingesa, Specialisterne SL, Square Green Capital SL, Suministros Eléctricos Gabyl, SA, Suministros Eléctricos Industriales Anton Teixidó SA, Supracafé, SA, T500 Puratos, Técnicas Reunidas, SA, Telefónica SA, Texlimca SA, Tinkle, Tolsa, Total Logistic Services SL, Transfesa Logistics SA, Unicaja Banco, SA, Unión de Créditos Inmobiliarios (UCI), Uría Menéndez Abogados SLP, Velatia, Via Rural SL, Vodafone España SAU, VoL , World Happiness Fest, XESMEGA.RBH Global, REALSEC, Recuperación Materiales Diversos, SA (RMD), Red2Red Consultores, Reduce Destrucción Documental SL, Revenga Ingenieros SA, SA de Preformados Metalicos, Salpax SA, SanLucar Group, SIGRE Medicamento y Medio Ambiente, SL (SIGRE), Sodexo Iberia SA, Solingesa, Specialisterne SL, Square Green Capital SL, Suministros Eléctricos Gabyl, SA, Suministros Eléctricos Industriales Anton Teixidó SA, Supracafé, SA, T500 Puratos, Técnicas Reunidas, SA, Telefónica SA, Texlimca SA, Tinkle, Tolsa, Total Logistic Services SL, Transfesa Logistics SA, Unicaja Banco, SA, Unión de Creditos Inmobiliarios (UCI), Uría Menéndez Abogados SLP, Velatia, Via Rural SL, Vodafone España SAU, VoL, World Happiness Fest, XESMEGA.RBH Global, REALSEC, Recuperación Materiales Diversos, SA (RMD), Red2Red Consultores, Reduce Destrucción Documental SL, Revenga Ingenieros SA, SA de Preformados Metalicos, Salpax SA, SanLucar Group, SIGRE Medicamento y Medio Ambiente, SL (SIGRE), Sodexo Iberia SA, Solingesa, Specialisterne SL, Square Green Capital SL, Suministros Eléctricos Gabyl, SA, Suministros Eléctricos Industriales Anton Teixidó SA, Supracafé, SA, T500 Puratos, Técnicas Reunidas, SA, Telefónica SA, Texlimca SA, Tinkle, Tolsa, Total Logistic Services SL, Transfesa Logistics SA, Unicaja Banco, SA, Unión de Creditos Inmobiliarios (UCI), Uría Menéndez Abogados SLP, Velatia, Via Rural SL, Vodafone España SAU, VoL, World Happiness Fest, XESMEGA.Reduce Destrucción Documental SL, Revenga Ingenieros SA, SA de Preformados Metalicos, Salpax SA, SanLucar Group, SIGRE Medicamento y Medio Ambiente, SL (SIGRE), Sodexo Iberia SA, Solingesa, Specialisterne SL, Square Green Capital SL, Suministros Eléctricos Gabyl, SA , Suministros Eléctricos Industriales Anton Teixidó SA, Supracafé, SA, T500 Puratos, Técnicas Reunidas, SA, Telefónica SA, Texlimca SA, Tinkle, Tolsa, Total Logistic Services SL, Transfesa Logistics SA, Unicaja Banco, SA, Unión de Creditos Inmobiliarios (UCI ), Uría Menéndez Abogados SLP, Velatia, Via Rural SL, Vodafone España SAU, VoL, World Happiness Fest, XESMEGA.Reduce Destrucción Documental SL, Revenga Ingenieros SA, SA de Preformados Metalicos, Salpax SA, SanLucar Group, SIGRE Medicamento y Medio Ambiente, SL (SIGRE), Sodexo Iberia SA, Solingesa, Specialisterne SL, Square Green Capital SL, Suministros Eléctricos Gabyl, SA , Suministros Eléctricos Industriales Anton Teixidó SA, Supracafé, SA, T500 Puratos, Técnicas Reunidas, SA, Telefónica SA, Texlimca SA, Tinkle, Tolsa, Total Logistic Services SL, Transfesa Logistics SA, Unicaja Banco, SA, Unión de Creditos Inmobiliarios (UCI ), Uría Menéndez Abogados SLP, Velatia, Via Rural SL, Vodafone España SAU, VoL, World Happiness Fest, XESMEGA.Solingesa, Specialisterne SL, Square Green Capital SL, Suministros Eléctricos Gabyl, SA, Suministros Eléctricos Industriales Anton Teixidó SA, Supracafé, SA, T500 Puratos, Técnicas Reunidas, SA, Telefónica SA, Texlimca SA, Tinkle, Tolsa, Total Logistic Services SL, Transfesa Logistics SA, Unicaja Banco, SA, Unión de Creditos Inmobiliarios (UCI), Uría Menéndez Abogados SLP, Velatia, Via Rural SL, Vodafone España SAU, VoL, World Happiness Fest, XESMEGA.Solingesa, Specialisterne SL, Square Green Capital SL, Suministros Eléctricos Gabyl, SA, Suministros Eléctricos Industriales Anton Teixidó SA, Supracafé, SA, T500 Puratos, Técnicas Reunidas, SA, Telefónica SA, Texlimca SA, Tinkle, Tolsa, Total Logistic Services SL, Transfesa Logistics SA, Unicaja Banco, SA, Unión de Creditos Inmobiliarios (UCI), Uría Menéndez Abogados SLP, Velatia, Via Rural SL, Vodafone España SAU, VoL, World Happiness Fest, XESMEGA.Uría Menéndez Abogados SLP, Velatia, Via Rural SL, Vodafone España SAU, VoL, World Happiness Fest, XESMEGA.Uría Menéndez Abogados SLP, Velatia, Via Rural SL, Vodafone España SAU, VoL, World Happiness Fest, XESMEGA.About the Spanish Global Compact NetworkThe United Nations Global Compact operates in Spain through the Spanish Network, which currently has 1,603 entities adhered to this initiative of corporate social responsibility, of which 22% are large companies, 61% are SMEs and 17% They are other types of entities (third sector, business associations and educational institutions).

Its objective is to promote the implementation of the Ten Principles of the Global Compact among the signatory entities for business sustainability and to work on the SDGs with companies and the private sector.

Source: Hospital de Molina

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