| The subsidies correspond to the 2019-2020 school year | The Molina de Segura City Council, through the Department of Education, has granted subsidies, for a total amount of 60,720 euros, to the associations of mothers and fathers of students (AMPAS) of 18 schools of Early Childhood and Primary Education in the town supported with public funds to carry out Extracurricular Training Activities during the 2019/2020 academic year, as reported today, Monday, September 14, by the Councilor for Education, Fuensanta Martínez Jiménez. The AMPAS benefiting from these municipal grants correspond to the following centers: CEIP Sagrado Corazón, CC Sagrada Familia, CEIP Nª Sª de la Consolación, CEIP Tierno Galván, CEIP Cervantes, CC Vicente Medina, CEIP San Miguel, CEIP San Antonio, CEIP El Romeral , CEIP El Sifón, CEIP Nª Sª de Fátima, CC El Taller, CEIP Master Francisco Martínez Bernal, CEI N ° 1 Paseo Rosales, CEIP Ntra.
De los Remedios, CEIP Vega del Segura, CEIP Campo de Molina and CEIP La Purísima . This year marks the seventeenth anniversary of the launch of this initiative, created in the 2003/2004 academic year.
In the 2019/2020 academic year, the agreements have been signed with 18 educational centers in Molina de Segura (15 public centers and 3 subsidized centers), in which a total of 152 activities were developed, with the participation of a total of 1,895 male and female students.
A total of 24 of these activities correspond to the Municipal Plan for the Promotion of Physical Exercise, Sport and Health.
Of the total activities, 137 correspond to sports activities (futsal, basketball, rhythmic gymnastics, skating, athletics, handball, volleyball, judo, dance and Multisport) and 15 cultural activities (chess, crafts, fun math, music, languages, painting and comic). The associations of mothers and fathers of students undertake to coordinate the projects of extracurricular training activities that are developed in the centers, as well as to hire qualified personnel to carry them out. These activities are aimed at ensuring the comprehensive training of students in aspects related to socio-cultural insertion and free time activities, in accordance with the provisions of the Order of June 29, 2004 of the Ministry of Education, Training and Employment, by which the school day is regulated in Infant and Primary schools. The extracurricular activities constitute an educational complement to the daily task that is developed in the centers, as well as an optimal resource for the use of free time.
The Associations of Mothers and Fathers of students, within the scope of their powers, constitute a vehicle capable of managing and organizing these activities. Parents are one of the pillars on which any educational system is based.
Their participation in educational work is an element of utmost importance for the achievement of the objectives of a quality educational system. The extracurricular activities develop aspects included within the fields of languages, new technologies, artistic education and physical education and sports.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura