| To reduce social contact to the maximum, reduce municipal activity and continue with the aid mechanisms for vulnerable groups | In view of the current situation in the municipality and the forecast of worsening in the coming weeks, Mayor Esther Clavero, together with the rest of the sanitary technicians of the Technical-Scientific Committee, announced, today, Thursday, August 27, the measures agreed in the framework of municipal services competencies and managementThe Mayor of Molina de Segura, Esther Clavero Mira, presented at a press conference, today Thursday, August 27, in the municipal Plenary Hall, the block of measures to reduce social contact to the maximum and voluntarily, reduce activity municipal government and continue with the aid mechanisms for vulnerable groups in the municipality, to face the expansion of COVID-19.
He was accompanied in the presentation by the Councilor for Sports and Health, Miguel Ángel Cantero García, and the four health technicians who are part of the Technical-Scientific Monitoring Committee for COVID-19 in Molina de Segura: the coordinator of the Technical-Scientific Committee, Dr.
Mario Soler, the Coordinator of the Jesús Marín Health Center, Juan Francisco Menárguez Puche, the Coordinator of the Antonio García Health Center, Emilio Macanás Pérez,and the Managing Director of the Hospital de Molina, Pedro Hernández Jiménez.As of today, Molina de Segura is immersed in a second wave of COVID-19, of greater magnitude than the first.
Epidemiological data, as of August 26, reflect 91 active cases, and since July 16 accumulate 165 new cases and 2 deaths.
All the indicators are in ascending trend curves, with a forecast of an increase in infections, illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths."Given the exponential growth of the epidemic, Dr.
Mario Soler points out, the strategy for its containment passes, on the one hand, through early diagnosis and close isolation of those infected, tracking and quarantines of close contacts and, on the other, through measures to reduce social contact and promotion of prevention measures in the population ".The Mayor recalled that "it is up to the Government of the nation and the regional governments, in the areas of their territorial powers, to develop the measures and regulatory frameworks.
It is up to the local administrations to diligently manage compliance with a large part of them.
"."Accumulated experience tells us that measures are usually taken in advanced stages of the epidemic, when it is out of control with alarming figures, thereby reducing its beneficial effect on citizens.
Therefore, the Committee considers that it is necessary and important to anticipate the evolution of the epidemic and implement actions that try to avoid an uncontrolled growth of the epidemic ", indicates Esther Clavero.Evolution and current situation of the epidemic in Molina de SeguraSince July 16, a gradual increase in the number of new cases began, which has accelerated significantly as of August 10.
The number of new daily cases until August 15 never exceeded the figure of 10, while since that date, and in the last 12 days, in 6 of them the figure of 8 new cases has been exceeded, reaching 14 cases the August 20 and 17 new cases yesterday, August 26.As of August 26, in the last 14 days, 102 new cases have been diagnosed, with a cumulative incidence of 141.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, figures well above those of the Region of Murcia and the vast majority of its municipalities.The following graph shows the growth, at an ever increasing rate, in the number of active cases under follow-up, accumulated cases and people in quarantine because they are close contacts of infected people.Evolution by weeks"The conclusion Dr.
Mario Soler points out - is that Molina de Segura is suffering an important and very worrying acceleration in the increase in cases that makes it necessary to anticipate even greater and uncontrolled increases through actions of social isolation."In view of the current situation in the municipality and the forecast of worsening in the coming weeks, the Technical-Scientific Monitoring Committee of COVID-19 in Molina de Segura recommends that, within the framework of municipal services management and competencies, a block of measures tending to reduce social contact to the maximum and voluntarily, reduction of municipal activity and continuation of aid mechanisms for vulnerable groups are adopted by the City Council, starting in September.The measures will be implemented according to the analysis of the morbidity curves at each moment.
The Technical-Scientific Committee establishes 4 levels:Level 1 Green: 0-50 cumulative incidence cases / 100,000 inhabitants 14 days.
Sporadic outbreaks (less than 36 cases every two weeks).Level 2 Yellow: 50-120 accumulated incidence cases / 100,000 inhabitants 14 days.
Scattered outbreaks and small percentage of community transmission (between 36 and 87 cases every two weeks).Level 3 Orange:> 120 cases cumulative incidence / 100,000 inhabitants 14 days.
Scattered outbreaks and medium percentage of community transmission (more than 87 cases every two weeks).Level 4 Red.
Uncontrolled community transmission.With the accumulated incidence already mentioned in the last 14 days, to date, of 141.6 / 100,000 inhabitants, the municipality is already at Level 3 Orange.MEASURES ADOPTED DURING THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER1 °) Intensify information to the population, recommending that they avoid meetings, celebrations and social contacts as much as possible.2 °) In view of the exponential growth of infections in Molina de Segura, and due to prudence, the opening of the following facilities and services is postponed until October:a) Municipal swimming pools.b) Sports facilities (except for individual use of outstanding athletes).c) Municipal sports activities and schools.d) Municipal amateur leagues.e) Neighborhood Social Centers.f) Activities of the elderly.g) Enrollment of extracurricular activities in educational centers.h) Activities of the Local Party Council.i) Workshops and group activities of different councils.3) Increase in Public Health inspections in shops and hotels.4°) Ayuda de Servicios Sociales a familias que lo precisen para garantizar el aislamiento total de contagiados y contactos en cuarentena, evitando que salgan del domicilio.5°) Aumentar la concienciación y responsabilidad de los jóvenes mediante acciones promovidas por grupos de éstos.6°) Ofrecer a la Consejería de Salud un equipo de 12 personas para la realización de tareas de rastreadores para actuar sobre las zonas básicas de salud del municipio de Molina de Segura, con el fin de aumentar el esfuerzo que está realizando el personal de la Comunidad Autónoma en su labor de seguimiento de aquellas personas que hayan tenido algún contacto con personas que han dado positivo por COVID-19.
Se trata de un grupo de empleados de la Concejalía de Deporte y Salud, donde, además, se pondrá en marcha un centro de atención y seguimiento telefónico para el rastreo de los posibles contactos de las personas contagiadas del municipio de Molina de Segura.
La finalidad es doble: por un lado, identificar y localizar al círculo más estrecho de las personas infectadas para que sean derivadas a la realización de una PCR; y, por otro lado, comprobar y asegurar que los pacientes, sintomáticos o no, se encuentren confinados en sus domicilios y siguiendo fielmente las indicaciones sanitarias.Ante el repunte de nuevos casos de COVID-19 en la Región de Murcia y en Molina de Segura, el pasado día 30 de junio se constituyó un Comité Técnico-Científico con el fin último de tratar de frenar la epidemia en el municipio y con ello sus graves consecuencias.
Presidido por la Alcaldesa Esther Clavero, y coordinado por el Dr.
Mario Soler, el Comité está constituido por los coordinadores de los dos Centros de Salud y del SUAP de Molina de Segura, por el Director del Hospital de Molina, así como por el Concejal de Deporte y Salud y el Jefe de Servicio de la Concejalía.
En sus frecuentes reuniones online han participado también el Director General de Salud Pública, José Carlos Vicente, y el Gerente del Área 6, Andrés Carrillo, haciéndose seguimiento de la evolución de la epidemia y acordándose acciones acordes con la evolución de la epidemia.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura